Health Certificate

I called and asked my vet clinic about getting a health certificate for goats going over to different states. The lady I talked to was quiet and it sounded like the certificate is only valid for 10 days? The vet who does goats was out so she had to look and the computer and ask around the clinic. I just wanted to learn a little more about this. How long is the certificate good for, do I need to get one if I was to go to a diff state and what is it for????



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  • I am bringing Irena to Patty, to be bred. So I am going from Wisconsin to Minnesota. Thanks for the replies. 

  • This may vary from state to state. In Illinois, a health certificate is good for exhibition within the state for 90 days. It is good for interstate travel for only 30 days though.

  • As far as I know, health certificates are good for 30 days. We recently had a vet tell us that as long as we don't leave the state (AR) it is good for 90 days, but he has given us incorrect information in the past so I'm leaning more towards what everyone else has always told me, which is 30 days.  You do have to have a health certificate to bring an animal across state lines, and every state has different requirements for what has to be on the cert. Best thing to do would be to call the state vet at the state you will be visiting and ask them what they require. Hope this helps. :)

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