I have a doe that is zinc deficient. Perhaps due to alfalfa? Perhaps other factors. Bottom line is - I am cutting way back on alfalfa and upping the sunflower seeds, but thought I'd try the sunflower oil as well. But not sure how to do that without m
During the time that a third of my barn roof was waiting because of my son's kidney stone issues, some water came inside along the wall and some of it apparently caused mildew (mold?). This, unfortunately, is in the corner where the kidding stall wi
I was just wondering what the temperature should be when I should start shaving my goats. It has been 80 degrees for the past two months here every day, and about 60 degrees every night (were in a drought here in California). Should I shave my goats
Cocoa had triplets 2 weeks ago tomorrow, and today she's got thick mucous snot in one nostril. She's always been a "goat that coughs" since we got her, but this is the first time any nasal discharge has been present. I worry because of her babies,
I am only slightly concerned (to the point of noticing a change) about this as all seems well, normal behavior, eating, drinking, etc., all fine. Summer is at Day 124, second freshening (triplets last year), and has had a little bit of mucous the la
My doe, Gracie, had her twins on March 10th. It was exhilarating! The new mommy acted like a pro. She was pushing for about 20 minutes, and pushed the baby out in three pushes. Second one came right after. First baby is the black and white buckl
These are the friendliest little doelings we've ever had on the farm! Hard to get pics that show more than a blur of fur in front of the camera. :) I'm not keeping any Nigerian kids this year, I'm not keeping any Nigerian kids this year, I'm not...
USA_2-1_Goat_Mineral_Label.pdfCould you look at this PDF of what is in this mineral mix and tell me how it compares. Frankly - it is seldom I see any of my goats eating any of my minerals. And I don't want to force minerals on them. As Deborah said i
So as not to appear ignorant...(which I kinda feel like asking this) how is Zinc deficiency determined? Are we talking bloodwork? I have just noticed a lot of discussion regarding this and would any info...Thanks guys...
I've been obsessing (what's new) about finding appropriate homes for any kids I create. In my area - there are 8-9 Nigerian Dwarf Goat herds - all producing kids around now. That is a lot of kids flooding the market. I don't know how others find home
My doe will be due soon and since this is her first as well as mine I want to make sure I'm there to help and/or root for her if necessary. Also I'd just like to watch babies get born :).
I know many of the signs of labor: Belly dropping, full udder,
Here are Calling's first triplets. They are mostly gold with whit patches and polls. Two are blue eyed and one buck is gold eyed. Mama did it all by herself. All is well! Great mama.
Since I'm wanting to make sure I have adequate selenium available to the goats - I have Kopsel which I just bought. I knew it had copper source in it. IF I bolused with copper 3 weeks ago - is this OK to put in their food? An
Our doe finally had the kids her previous owners said she should have in December...and it looks like they are by her LaMancha as they have tiny ears. She had triplets, a buck and 2 does, about 9 hours ago now, and I'm a little worried about the doe
We are having a hard time getting 2nd cut plain grass hay. All the hay I have access to is part grass/part alfalfa/clover - which I always thought was just delightful. But with my current issue with zinc in at least 2 goats - I'm concerned and want
So I'm thinking about the future, and was wondering at what age I should put my bucklings in with my buck Ta Tanka? I don't want to take them away from their mama too early, but am curious at what age is appropriate? Thanks.
Hi everyone..I have seen a lot of discussion regarding Sunflower oil in regards to rubbing it on the skin..My question is are you folks talking about Sunflower oil you can get at the grocery store? Thanks for any info...
I recently watched a program that discusses weird natural things. One episode was about "weird farming" so while husband slept on couch - I turned to that program.
WOW- first farm they covered (true stories theoretically) was about GMO sheep. Sheep