Any goats here eat first cut hay?

We are having a hard time getting 2nd cut plain grass hay. All the hay I have access to is part grass/part alfalfa/clover - which I always  thought was just delightful. But with my current issue with zinc in at least 2 goats - I'm concerned and want to cut back on any alfalfa.

One place has grass hay but it is first cut. Is that OK for goats? They eat brambles my goodness - I guess perhaps they could eat first cut.


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  • My Nigerians have been surviving very nicely on first cut hay that is actually sort of overgrown.  That's what I ended up with 200 bales of in the fall, so that's what we're using.  The Nubians, on the other hand, have needed a little grain with the hay.  They aren't as easy keepers and the Nigerians.

    I do have one Nigerian doe who just keeps on nursing her now one year old kid, so she was getting a bit thin on the grass hay and I had to start giving her a little grain as well.

    When they start freshening, I'm going to add alfalfa to that, either in the form of chaffhaye or baled alfalfa.

  • My goats eat first cut, and they do great, but my Father In Law also harvests very early, so the hay is pretty green. I would say that if you get first cut hay, you should be sure it's an early cut, and that it is nice and green. 

  • We use first cutting, second cutting, and so on. After dealing with a drought one year, I always buy whatever I can whenever I can. I ration out the hay based upon who needs what, so the first cutting and/or grass hay would go to dry does and bucks. Milkers get better quality alfalfa, and does that are in the first two to three months of lactation get the very best alfalfa that is on the farm.

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