I have six nubian kids all about three weeks old. Five does and one buck. All of their anal area looks irritated and are bleeding. They are all very healthy, they run and buck. They dont act like it really bothers them. Does anyone have any suggestio
My FF is at day 145 today. She has gone through some major changes over the course of the day and I wanted to post pics to see what ya'll think. Tonight when I went out to put the goats up in the barn, her udder made me do a second take! It has defin
Lake Sai Farm is 40 miles south of Chicago IL; located in Peotone, IL
$350 each for these awesome buckling, and all from great bloodline, heavy milklines. They are ready to go now. If you are looking for an extra herd sire and 4 H projects, they a
I have a 2 year old FF doe, 4 weeks from kidding, eating well, active per her usual self, growing a large belly and udder, and seems normal in every way, but I can't seem to get her eyelid color above C/D.
I just bought two Nigerian Dwarf does yesterday. The woman I bought them from claims that they should be bred. If they are, they should be due June 5 and the 18th. I haven't had much experience with pregnant goats. I have tried doing the pooch test b
Well, now I have to bottle feed a baby goat, while she's adorable, I don'y exactly want to get up every two hours. She is healthy and running around playing, she is about 1 1/2 days old. The dam walks away every time we are trying to bring the kid to
I posted awhile back about my 4yr old doe drying up sort of early.Since then I have observed her droppings being really small and more pointy and rather dry. They are just weird looking compared to normal.The other odd thing is that she is really bul
So I am just wondering what you guys think..what would be too old for a doe to be bred for the first time? I don't want to bred my does to just anything, I guess I am being picky, so I am just kinda of taking my time so I make (hopefully) a good cho
I read on earlier posts (3 years old) that people keep CMPK to drench before and after kidding. Is this the norm or is that old news. I'm getting ready for kidding #2 and trying to be prepared for anything.
I have one Call Duck - his buddy died. So lonely boy duck. Don't want a girl since they are a tad noisy - so am looking for 1 boy duck so they have each other. If I got 2 - it would be them against him. So just 1 - any goat person have call ducks?
I've read to take away water buckets when kidding is close, yet I want the goats to have water. What do you do. My buckets hang off the walls. Should I have something else set up for this time??
This morning one little boy was born at 3:30 a.m., the healthy little boy that started to try to walk within 5 minutes of coming out, the little mommy was still cleaning him. He came out within 5 minutes of starting to push (not sure how long it usua
Is it ok to not milk 1 day every once in a while, or will it throw everything off? I don't want to upset the "flow", but if something comes up that you can't get to it will that affect their system too much? Twins are still with her feeding also.
It isn't an awful name, just a really new englandy name. Does anyone think that Wicked Pissah (farm, acres, whatever I decide..) would be an appropriate herd name? I want something really new englandy (live in MA), and this seems to hit the nail on t