Hello Everyone! We will be getting our first ND goats next month! We are so excited! We will be getting a white weather with a little brown and gray on his back and a nontraditional tri color doeling, mainly gray with brown, black and white on her fa
My doe just kidded yesterday afternoon. Before kidding she really never bagged up. Her udder got a little fuller, but stayed pretty empty looking. Now 24 hours after kidding she is the same. She kidded with a huge 4.75lb Doeling. Mom is very healthy.
So I have been separating Butterscotch's twins (month old today) for the past week, and am currently only milking her in the morning and getting 1 1/2 - 2 cups per day, voluntarily stopping at this point to ensure I leave enough for babes in the morn
Hi everyone. As of right now, I have a doe and a gorgeous blue-eyed buckling from Grace for sale. I have more on the way around April 4th from Liberty. They have excellent lines and they have already been disbudded. They are extremely friendly.
So we became so desperate for some fresh goat milk that I took Fifi, my Pygmy/Fainting cross doe, and milked her. Her baby is 3 months old. Of course we didn't get very much milk, but enough to sip some with a cookie and make a batch of french toast.
We are getting our first goats this spring - a doe in milk and one of her kids. She's due in a few weeks but will stay at her current farm until her kids are weaned.
For now trying to research all that I can and get ready for them (including pasture
I am organizing a hay order for the organic Nigerian types in my area. Most of us got hay from this guy in the fall. We are getting an order in a week and so I have a question:
He has a little 3rd cut left and a lot of his 2nd cut left. We aren't
I wondered if they sometimes do that, like horses do. My white mare had two foals, both born as dark as could be, but then they became gray by 2 or 3 years old. It's pretty common in Arabians, but I don't know if it's seen in other breeds.
The last time I bolused my herd I gave my bucks and adult does 4g copper, and junior does got 2g copper. Everything I have read says that even adult Nigerians need 2g. So will it hurt my adult does if they got 4g? Should I give the 2g to everyone nex
I am sure this is not the right place to put this, and I have been reading the other discussions to try to get this answer, but I'm running out of daylight and just need to get it done.
So, I am treating my two pregnant does (due to kid in 5 weeks)
Both of my two does are due to kid Wednesday, March 26th well at least that is day 145, and this is my first time as well as their's and I was just wondering if anybody had any tips for me or what seems to work best for you. I have my kidding kit rea
I want to get a few things, for emergencies and need suggestions! I had a couple of problems this past year I wasn't prepared for and had to run around borrowing last minute.
Anemia- I have been told to get the ferrodex pig iron. which I haven't yet
any idea what might cause the very tips of a does ears to lose hair and get thick and kind of crusty? i don't see it anywhere else on her, just tips of her ears :( poor girl.
Here's the deal: I have a young buck who is just now around 8 months old. I started using him around 5/6 months. First two does I used him on haven't come into heat since breeding and tested preg on Biopryn.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes...I have 6 Nigerians. The first three are almost 2 years old, 1 doe and 2 wethers all were bottle raised. Of the three I have 1 wether that, and I know this sounds weird, but he suck
My best registered nubian doeling born this year turned out to be a hermaphrodite!! I was terribly upset when I found out. I came in the house with tears to tell my mom. Iv been a wreck since. Does anyone know if this is caused by something or is it
I currently have 6 ND out with my 15.2 hand horse. Their pasture is surrounded by the electric goat fence from premier one with part of it being the 2" electric tape..4 strands of it starting at about 4 " off the ground. The goat fence is 42" tall.
We have more babies on MigMog Acres!! Five babies so far this year! These two girls were born to my FIRST baby born on my farm, MiniMe. She is proving to be a GREAT little mom, and delivered her two doelings without my help, even WITH my constant che
MiniMe is at day 150 today!! Her udder popped today, and her sides look like the babies have settled, so I'm checking on her every couple hours. No mucus yet, and she's still eating a bit, so I think it will be a while still... but things are coming
Eva had triplets last Tuesday and the boys are doing great! As of today they are eight days old and this morning our vet managed to get round to dis budded for us.
So all went great they did cry a little and Eva could hear but all w