My doe just kidded yesterday afternoon. Before kidding she really never bagged up. Her udder got a little fuller, but stayed pretty empty looking. Now 24 hours after kidding she is the same. She kidded with a huge 4.75lb Doeling. Mom is very healthy. This is her second freshening. With her first freshening she peaked at milk production at 2.75lbs a day. My other doe that kidded Friday with twins is still so full I'm having to empty her a little twice a day. I'm worried about why she's not bagging up. Babies tummy is always full filling, and I see her nursing often. Baby is pooping and peeing, so I know she's getting enough for now. Is this common? I've never had this before. Thank you!
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Does will also produce according to how many kids they have (ties in with the demand thing)
Since you say she only had one kid last year, I would vote that she might have similar production this year, and might get better if you try Deborah's suggestions. You might be seeing what you think is a smaller udder because you're seeing it with a kid on her. Her udder may at least look like it did last year once you're holding her kid off her. Right now, her doeling is most likely keeping her as empty as she can, and since you didn't take the buckling when you took your doe home last year, you were seeing an udder without kids keeping it empty. I'm sure that is part of the difference in what you see.
It is way smaller than last year. I bought her when she was 2 months freshened last year and the lady I bought her from hadn't been milking her much, so I kinda contributed her milk production to that. She had a single buckling last year. I'm so bummed!! I will keep working win her and see if I cannot get her production up. She comes from good milking background, so was hoping for a lot more this year.
The size of the udder when they kid is usually as big as you will see it because the kid will work on keeping it as close to empty as they can, and the doe will only produce what is being consumed. That is usually a nail biting situation for the owner! Full tummy, peeing, and pooping are all good signs.
Production varies greatly among goats, and it sound like this goat may simply not have the genes to be a great producer. If her peak was 2.75 last time, I hope she only had a single kid, as that would be a good excuse for being a poor producer. When we have single kids here, we start milking the doe within a day or two of kidding. Put her on the milk stand twice a day and milk out as much as you can. By 4-7 days, you can start separating overnight and milk in the morning, if that works better for you. You can switch back and forth between those methods to see if you get more milk in 24 hours using one or other strategy.
Sounds like she's producing just what she needs to feed her doeling. When the baby is eating enough solid food for you to start milking mama, you will probably be able to increase her production to provide for the extra demand. Did she have a single with her last freshening also?
Does will also produce according to how many kids they have (ties in with the demand thing)
Since you say she only had one kid last year, I would vote that she might have similar production this year, and might get better if you try Deborah's suggestions. You might be seeing what you think is a smaller udder because you're seeing it with a kid on her. Her udder may at least look like it did last year once you're holding her kid off her. Right now, her doeling is most likely keeping her as empty as she can, and since you didn't take the buckling when you took your doe home last year, you were seeing an udder without kids keeping it empty. I'm sure that is part of the difference in what you see.
Production varies greatly among goats, and it sound like this goat may simply not have the genes to be a great producer. If her peak was 2.75 last time, I hope she only had a single kid, as that would be a good excuse for being a poor producer. When we have single kids here, we start milking the doe within a day or two of kidding. Put her on the milk stand twice a day and milk out as much as you can. By 4-7 days, you can start separating overnight and milk in the morning, if that works better for you. You can switch back and forth between those methods to see if you get more milk in 24 hours using one or other strategy.
Sounds like she's producing just what she needs to feed her doeling. When the baby is eating enough solid food for you to start milking mama, you will probably be able to increase her production to provide for the extra demand. Did she have a single with her last freshening also?