Question on sunflower oil

Hi everyone..I have seen a lot of discussion regarding Sunflower oil in regards to rubbing it on the skin..My question is are you folks talking about Sunflower oil you can get at the grocery store? Thanks for any info...


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  • Ivomec pour-on works for external parasites.

  • Thank you Deborah for the insight..I'm about 100% sure you are right about the DE...!  So for the biting lice what would your recommendations be?  I had seen lice on my bigger wether about 2 weeks ago that was when I did the Ivomec and dusted and...used the DE..I had also sprinkled some on their "raised " bed my husband built for them. I really think, though, that the DE is the cause for the scratching as you have said. I just got the Sunflower Oil and I will try rubbing that in to relieve some of that.

  • Forgot to mention that oral ivomec will only kill sucking lice, which actually suck blood from the goat, but it will do nothing for biting lice because they are only eating dead skin and hair. 

  • Your problem might be the DE. It is extremely absorbent and can dry out skin badly. I've put it on some goats who wound up itching far more afterwards then before I applied the DE. It actually kills small insects by dehydrating them. When writing my goat book, I got the scoop on DE from a university entomology researcher and professor.

  • Thank you for the reply!  Got a lot of itching and dry skin going on.  I have dusted for lice and given them Ivomec orally.  I have also sprayed them with a Permethrin that I diluted per directions on the label. I don't see any lice so I think I have that under control. I just see areas on the skin up around the neck and shoulders were the hair is very thin so you can start to see the skin. I had also used DE on them and those areas seem to be were I am seeing the sparse hair.  I have started using BOSS, which for my "children" takes some getting used to ...spoiled as they are!! I was also wondering, I have always used shavings to bed them (which typically is up to their little butts lol) but recently I have had to switch brands. Has anyone ever had dry skin issues when changing brands of shavings?


  • Yep, lots of natural oils are good for your skin.

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