Hi guys. I have a 2nd freshener with triplets. I had very high hopes for her, her sire has produced a lot of excellent milkers and her dam milked well on DHIR.
As I said she has triplets. I have separated them overnight to milk a few times and ne
My FF Prita is at day 142 today. Her ligaments are very soft as I've been checking them every day multiple times so I know what they feel like. Her udder is very full! We have a storm rolling in tonight and I live alone, so no one to come help me (al
I have a doe who has developed a lump on the TOP of her neck. It is right at the top in the center of her neck. I did a full body shave on her a couple days ago and today I noticed this lump. What could it be? I always worry about CL but I don't thin
My goats are doing OK with each other outside. But a mother of kids killed one of another does 3 week old kid this morning by bashing before I could get in fast enough so I'm rattled. She was slightly smaller but seemed to be keeping up fairly well
I was just wondering if anyone has encountered this before. Yesterday morning I saw that one of my does was standing off to the side , which is normal for her at feeding time she kind of a diva and like to make a big entrance up to th
ok this isn't really a birth announcement, and one of my "babies" is not a baby - but this is the best place to introduce my first goats. We picked them up last weekend.
Here is Reese, our wether. 10 weeks old - he was four pounds at birth so he look
I got 2 new bucklings from a great breeder. When I picked them up one has large scurs and the other does not. I was wondering if they were hereditary or not since she said all her bucks have them?
As I know I am probably not the only one, but I am terrible at keeping records. Any kind of records from breeding to kidding to health! I was interested in hearing how you all keep your records and in an organized way. I am not talking about a soft w
I've read that a goat grinding his teeth is a sign they are in pain. I'm trying to figure out what could be causing him pain. He has been out on pasture of grass, alfalfa and assorted weeds. And a handful of BOSS everyday for the past 6 weeks. He is
Due to job loss we are selling our hobby farm in the city in Northern CA and moving to a community of homesteaders in the Berkshire mountains in Western Massachusetts which is beautiful and also affordable to us. We have 3 adorable Nigerian dwarfs (
My darling little 5 week old doeling, Khaki is in HEAT. She has been flagging at the fence all day and even stands for her buckling brother who fortunately isn't extending much yet. Is this crazy early or what? She's just a baby!! She has a little di
I've got everything setup for my girls (they come home Sunday YAY!) but one important thing I am lacking is the bedding. I've read really great things about cobb bedding but it seems most people in the area are using straw/hay for bedding. Has anyone
Just joined this forum and this is my first post. I have 3 Nigerian Dwarf does who recently had 2 kids each. We have a small pasture area that we are preparing to let them into once the kids are a little bigger. It has a lot of California poppy's and
So I have recently been thinking about making a farm logo and wonder how other people went about doing this? Did you get someone to make one for you, make one yourself? Did you use a program? Any input would be a great help! :D
My doe who I bought a couple or so months ago kidded a single doeling on May 1st. Missed the whole entire thing, dang it! I took my vacation that week too, kept checking on her every 2 or so hours. I of course slept for 4 & 1/2 hours one night, woke
I have a doeling with a goopy eye. When my daughter brought her to me to look at, it had a lot of goo in and around it. The other eye, and all other eyes in the herd, are fine. The eye itself, once I got the goo off of it, looks normal. I decided
Well we went to a farm to buy a rabbit buck, and came home with not only the rabbit but 4 Nigerian dwarf goats: a mother and her 4 month old son (she could be bred since she was still in with the buck after she gave birth) and two little unrelated b
My doe Leela (with triplets) is a very mediocre mama and I'm very concerned for the smallest doeling. Her mama won't feed her unless her favorite doeling latches on first, then one of the other two have to act fast to get the other half. The buckling