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Farm logos

So I have recently been thinking about making a farm logo and wonder how other people went about doing this? Did you get someone to make one for you, make one yourself? Did you use a program? Any input would be a great help! :D

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4 Replies
Views: 555

goopy eye doeling

I have a doeling with a goopy eye.  When my daughter brought her to me to look at, it had a lot of goo in and around it.  The other eye, and all other eyes in the herd, are fine.  The eye itself, once I got the goo off of it, looks normal.  I decided

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6 Replies
Views: 259

now we done it!

Well we went to a farm to buy a rabbit buck, and came home with not only the rabbit but 4 Nigerian dwarf goats: a mother and her 4 month old son (she could be bred since she was still  in with the buck after she gave birth) and two little unrelated b

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11 Replies
Views: 179