My husband and I will be moving in the next 2-3 months, and although we'd like a nice small acreage, a house that we are seriously considering has only 0.60 of an acre. As disappointing as that is for me (the wannabe farmer), I'm interested in tackl
We have a 3 year old doe that gets upset after her kids are disbudded. Last year Miss Kiddie had her 1st kids, they were a beautful set of twins. When they were just a few days old we disbudded them and she acted like she was going to reject them.
I wonder if anyone has any insurance on their goats - liability insurance that is. We have visitors often - people who stop by, friends, and now - I'm getting requests (which I love) for weeding goats and even someone who wanted the goats to
Our first iteration of toys - we decided they were a tad slippery so we added a bit of sand to them and now there isn't the cute sliding but there isn't the falling either - they love these toys!
I Have a doe I would like to breed but was told she maybe to small to breed,so what is to small? She is 18 1/2 inches tall. Can she be breeded and if I can breed her do I find a buck her size or smaller?
This pregnant doe was recently treated for lice - two doses of Ivermectin pour-on, 10 days apart. The lice seem to be totally gone, but a few days ago I noticed this bald spot on the back of one of h
Having a "why are we doing this" kind of day. Our kids are 10 weeks old tomorrow. Momma is polled, and has the big round hard bumps where horns would be. When the kids were born we could tell some had horn buds and swirls right off the bat and some d
I have a question about checking the condition of a doe. I have read about what to look for including some excellent sites with instructions but have not found anyone who talks about checking under the tail for fat or flat tails as some on here have
I was about to break down and buy puppy pee pads for kidding because it's really hard getting all the membranes and straw off of towels, and I wanted something to catch as much fluid as possible when the kids were born. I really hate using disposabl
Well, I keep my jumbo buck Miyagi 2 fences away from the does with an empty pasture in between. Unfortunately I bought a Houdini Nigerian doe who somehow got through all these fences and into the buck pasture. I hand bred her to one of my register
OK - last doe kidded this morning. I have to thank my does - each one kidded in daylight.
Each one took 15-20 minutes of real labor to easily spit out their babies. I knew when they were in early labor but only one showed signs of coming INTO final l
so my question is to those of you with more experience (this being my second kidding)..Brandi lost her water about 2 hours before the actual birth on her single kid. It presented with the two hind feet. I had to help her and pulled the little doeling
One of my new doelings is very petite...I picked her because my family has a long tradition of loving and caring for slightly-disadvantaged animals, and because I believe she has great potential if we can get her growing. She's tough and
Today I dusted my does with DE because I was beginning to see some lice on them, and one in particular was starting to be quite bothered by them. I also dusted their bedding with it.
I'm wondering, how fast should it work? It seemed that tonight I
I noticed Reba's buckling was not right when I opened the barn at 7am. He is about a month old, has always been a fat, healthy boy. This morning he was laying down with his head tipped back and his eyes kind of wide occasionally yelling like he was