Sheesh, it seems that when it rains, it pours...
This pregnant doe was recently treated for lice - two doses of Ivermectin pour-on, 10 days apart. The lice seem to be totally gone, but a few days ago I noticed this bald spot on the back of one of her legs. I have watched it for a few days because I thought perhaps she had just rubbed it raw when she had the lice (she was rubbing like crazy!), and wanted to see if it was getting better. Hair does seem to be growing back in, and it's looking less pink and "angry" I'd say. But today I noticed that it seems to kind of wrap under her leg (not sure if it did that before and I just didn't notice, or if it is spreading?), and when I looked closer and lifted up her leg I noticed there are some scaly patches on the side of her udder, and up where the leg meets the udder. There are also some scales on the upper-most region of the bald spot on her leg (seen in the second photo).
So, what could be going on here? What causes a bald patch and scales? A google search makes me think mites (ewww!) - and if that is the case, would the Ivermectin pour-on have treated them, or do I need to give her something else? Should I be washing the area with something special or applying some kind of topical treatment?
Great to hear! Sounds like something I should have in my barn. My daughter just bought some to try for her dog because he has really bad allergies, and a lot of the online reviews say it is also good for that.
Just wanted to follow up and say I applied the NuStock (from Atwoods) to the area 3 times, spaced 3 days apart per the directions, and the area looks amazing. The scales are gone and hair has grown in great. NuStock for the win! :)
I've never used it, but when I looked it up, it appears that sulfur is the active ingredient, and people do use that for external parasites. If you already have it on hand, it might be worth a try. If you decide to use it, let us know how it works.
Randi Leister said:
I'm not familiar with nu stock, but Eprinex is different than Ivermectin. (might be in the same drug family, but it's not the same drug) They are both made by the same company.
Yeah, that kind of looks like mites, but the only way to know for sure is to take her to the vet and have him do a skin scraping. Ivomec pour-on kills both mites and lice, but it takes about a week for the skin to start to look better if it's mites.
If it is some type of skin infection, you can use Blu-Kote, which kills just about everything, including fungus. It is messy though and turns everything purple.
That's what my girl looked like, only angrier. lol I use Eprinex pour on, and it worked. You can check the box/label for your Ivermectin to see if it would have killed lice too. I *think* it would have.