Dog got copper bolus!?

Hey guys,

My 80lb German Shepherd stole a marshmellow off the table that had COWP in it.  It was a dose for a mini mancha doe, about 5-6g.

He spit it out when I told him to, it had opened in his mouth and a of wire particles on the floor, a lot still in the marshmellow, then I rinsed his mouth with a cup of water but I know I saw him swallow before I could get to him with the cup of water.

He might have ingested a gram.  Anybody had anything like this happen?  Predictably I can't find anything about it on the internet.  No idea if it might be dangerous to him?

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  • Well the dog still seems fine, so I conclude that small amounts of COWP are not too dangerous to big dogs!  Still don't recommend you try this at home lol

  • Our Pomeranian ate crayons and had rainbow poops.   Totally been down that road.  My husband does not think it will be a problem, he says humans are okay if they eat a little copper.

    The dog was pretty funny.  He started to chew the marshmellow and looked at me like "uh, ma?  This doesn't taste right"

    I also have a foster dog who is REALLy into tampons and other disgusting stuff.

    If he has no ill effects then I will let you guys know that small amounts of COWP do not appear to adversely effect dogs :/

  • I am happy to say that this has never happened here. But we do have a dog that eats tampons and underwear, and he continues to thrive. I've heard of dogs eating all sorts of crazy things, and the only ones that seem to cause a problem are those that are too large for them to pass -- like the dog that ate a whole bra. (Not one of my dogs -- or bras. Yay!) A friend of mine had a dog that was eating crayons. He said she had very colorful poop. Let us know how everything comes out. :-)

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