I Have a doe I would like to breed but was told she maybe to small to breed,so what is to small? She is 18 1/2 inches tall. Can she be breeded and if I can breed her do I find a buck her size or smaller?
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I want to thank everyone for taking the time to answer my question. I have taken the time to weight her and she weight 45 pounds. I am think of having a vet check her just to make sure it would be alright to breed her. She is my husband buddy and we would hate to lose her.
Gayle S. Stephens said:
I have a little doe also. She is 18 1/2 inch tall. weighs 45 lb. She is a 3 yr. old FF. She was bred to a buck that is at the max. height and he is very long bodied. One week ago she gave birth to a doeling all by her self . She and her baby are doing fine. And she has a beautiful udder.
I was a bit worried for her because she is small.
I have a little doe who is due in 3 weeks and looks huge! She is wide though and deep and has ample hips so I think she'll be fine but she weighed "just" 40# when bred and stands only 18-19" tall. She has short legs! Crossing my fingers for an easy kidding with her and this is her first time.
I have some that are very short but very wide and deep bodied...also have one who is just so petite all over. I don't think she would weigh more than 45#, and she is a 3 year old doe. I was afraid to breed her, but she had the easiest kidding of anybody this entire season and raised up two fat healthy little bucks. So go figure. Easy speed kiddings seem to run in her family according to her breeder, since she was born that way too!
She is over a year old. Maybe a year and a half would have to ask the breeder to find out for sure. She is more of a pet but would love to learn to make butter.