I have two wethers Yodel & Ring Ding that are 4 months old. Just wondering how you go about removing the grain from their diet. Currently they get 2 cups each a day and of course they love it. I feel they will be pretty mad the day I
Caramel presented us with a set of healthy twin bucks just a little while ago! This is her second freshening. It went very quickly. Both babies came out properly positioned, and they were up, nursing happily, and cruising around in seconds, literally
I have a buck that has retained testicles...vet suggested marketing him as a teaser buck since he more than likely would not have viable semen. it really makes me sad as he is just a very sweet and beautiful animal. I do not want to sell him for m
I wrote about the autopsy which was performed at a meeting of the local goat club in early May.
One of the other interesting items presented at that meeting was the results of a study conducted by the state (Victoria) agricultural veterinarian on the
I don't know if anyone has any solutions for this, but I have one NGD that is a non-stop screamer. Not cute little bleats but full on loud and annoying screams. He is adorable and we love him but I am extremely noise sensitive (thank you Fibromyalgia
Hey All,
I feel like I've been blowing up the forum with posts the past few days... Thanks for all the help as I start this new endeavor!
My latest question...
Any good tips on slowing a doe down while she eats her grain on the stand?
I have a doe
One of my does has a strange facial swelling. I'm 99% sure it's not CL or bottle jaw, as it's not in the right places or the right shape and size. It feels pretty hard. Any ideas?
This seems so strange, but I have a 3 week old doeling who's face seems to be growing faster than her hair is filling in! She is mostly white, and the hair seems to be so fine over her eyes and down her nose that (I think) she's even getting a bit p
Is it normal for a first freshener to have colostrum 3+ weeks after kidding? We picked up this doe (& a pregnant herd mate of hers) just over a week ago with one of her two kids on her (the other was sold as a bottle baby the day before we picked up
Hi All,
We got our mixed herd home over the past few weeks - 2 mini nubian does and 2 Nigerian Dwarf does - and we are loving them! I already have a goat health concern, though... My black mini nubian doe is redding out in her coat a lot and they ar
we brought our goats home one week ago and our doe (2nd freshener with twins) has not been producing as much here as she was at her last home. I realize moving can be a stresser for them and affect milk production, but I thought she would've been bet
I'm sure there are as many answers to this question as members here, but out of curiosity how many ND milkers (milking average amounts) would be good for a family of 5 who like to drink milk, eat yogurt cheese and make soap? We're starting with two (
One doe started yelling at about 5 a.m. She has been frothing and throwing up cud for a couple of hours. I thought she might be choking so I gave her some molasses/acv drench which she drank from the bowl. Just as I thought she was getting better, I
Hello, my name is Carrie and we live on 12 acres close to the seacoast of NH. We've been on this property for almost 12 years and this is the first year that I'm beginning to feel like we are actually able to call our property a farm. We have two c
I was recently asked if I'd be willing to take in two more goats, well yes. But my question is what do I need to do to protect my existing herd? Has anyone else done this. I have four goats now, three which came from the same dealer and one that was