I Have a Variety of Questions

Okay I have a variety of questions, here they are;

How long does it take to wean the kids, days, weeks, months? (if I do it)

Can I sell the babies right after their done being weaned?

How do I determine a price for the little doelings and bucklings? How do I determine a price for the adult does?

How do I determine a right buyer that I know will take good care of them?

I might sell all my goats, should I sell some of the items that they should have (hoof sheers, feed, etc.)

Thank You!

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  • How long does it take to wean the kids, days, weeks, months? (if I do it) 

    I agree with Deb on this one. I "wean" my kids at three months. (as in, I don't sell them before then) by that time, the kids are eating well on their own, and don't *need* a bottle or milk supplementation at their new home. 

    Can I sell the babies right after their done being weaned?

    Selling IS how I wean, so yes. 

    How do I determine a price for the little doelings and bucklings?

    You will need to know what goats go for in your area, and what kind of genetics you have to offer. There is a very reputable breeder in my area who can sell her doelings for upwards of $300.00. She prices them based on the dams they come from, and their sire's genetics. I do not milk test, so my doelings go for less when I sell them. Those with dams whose production I value, I would sell for more. My starting price for a doeling will be $200.00. Wethers sell for much less. I don't sell bucklings. 

    How do I determine a price for the adult does?

    The same breeder I mentioned above sells her adults based on their production and conformation. I have purchased two FF does from her, both priced according to their potential and production. The prices of her adult does range from $350.00 upwards of $500.00. A lot of that is because she is experienced, and selling very desirable genetics that have been proven. 

    How do I determine a right buyer that I know will take good care of them?

    That is one of the reasons I don't advertise my offspring for sale. If a buyer comes along that I like, I will sell, but otherwise, I don't have the time or energy to screen buyers. It's overwhelming to me! 

    I might sell all my goats, should I sell some of the items that they should have (hoof sheers, feed, etc.)

    I agree with Patty. If you're done with goats, selling a herd plus supplies would be a great deal for a new buyer. If you plan to get into goats again in the future, you might be better off to keep your supplies. (or at least some of them) 

  • Determining a price is a personal thing.  You can look online and at any adds you find to see how much people in your general area are selling goats that seem comparable to yours for, then determine what you want to charge based on your goats quality.

    If you want to sell all your goats, and you feel like you'd like to sell the goat gear too of course you can, or if you're thinking you're taking a break from goats, but want to get them again in future, of course you can keep it.

    As far as weaning, I do the same thing as Deborah.  I make sure they're over 2 months old, drinking and eating well, and then when it's time for them to go to their new homes I just remove them from their mom at the last minute.  Or, if they're bucklings, I remove then as soon as they look like they could to a bucks job. ;)  That's pretty much never before 2 months, usually around 2.5 to 3.

  • I'm not sure I understand your first question. You just take the kids away from the mom one day, and they are weaned, assuming you don't put them back together. I don't ever wean does that are staying here. They quit nursing when they want, but they are separated overnight after two months, so we can milk their mom in the morning, but they have all day to be together. Bucklings are taken away at 2-3 months. I don't separate kids from mom before selling them because I want them to have as much milk as possible, and I think that separating weaning and a new home simply creates a longer period of stress. IMO, there is no reason to take kids away from mom before selling them. Others may feel differently.

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