I have a doeling with a goopy eye. When my daughter brought her to me to look at, it had a lot of goo in and around it. The other eye, and all other eyes in the herd, are fine. The eye itself, once I got the goo off of it, looks normal. I decided to go on the assumption that she'd gotten something in it or poked it with some hay or something. I put some of her mama's milk into it. Now she's trying to itch it with her hind foot once in a while. Should I be worried? Thanks. :)
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Very much hoping! :)
I know LA-200 stings when injected but not sure about when put into the eyes. Hopefully her eye won't get infected and you won't have to deal with it!
Wow! That actually sounds painful as well. Hopefully I won't have to do that, but if I do I have two choices. Bio-mycen that is a couple of months expired, or LA-200 that is fresh. Do you vote for one or the other? I think for now though, I'll stick with washing with warm wash cloth and letting her be otherwise. Have a wonderful evening, Deborah!
It's been years since that happened, but I don't think I did anything for them. The first time I had it happen I bought this stuff at the farm store, and it was a powder that you were supposed to put in the eye, which just sounded horrible, and I felt horrible doing it, so I quit after two or three times. If you have an injectable oxytetracycline, I've heard some people just squirt a little of that into the eye a couple times a day (no needle, of course).
Oh, my! I hear more stories about people getting home from shows...Thanks for the info. So, let me make sure I understand...It should get better in a week or two even if it gets infected, even without treatment? When you had the goats get an infection from getting something in the eye, did you do anything to treat it at all? Did you clean it often, put anything in it at all? I'm just trying to make sure, because I'm still learning so much about treating even the littlest things. Thanks again!
Sounds like she got something in it. There is not much you can do, if it looks normal. If the eyeball turns blue, it's infected (pinkeye), and even then there is not much agreement about whether or not to treat with topical antibiotics. Most cases take a week or two to resolve, whether or not you use antibiotics. If it does wind up as an infection, it's probably just because she got something stuck in there, rather than something that's going to run through your herd. At least that has been my experience. The only time we ever had it run through our herd was when we came home from a four-day-long show where the goats had been packed in the barn like sardines and flies were everywhere. I've had a couple cases where a goat got an infection from something getting stuck in their eye, and it resolved without much drama. (Don't even get me started about the pinkeye that everyone got after that show!)