Anyone else have a doe that freaks out when you try to shut her in a kidding stall??? She just cries and cries. It's day 146. I hate for her to be stressed out right now. Her sister is in the stall with babies next to her and is completely irritated
We had a logo done up for our farm/cheese-making business and we haven't decided if we'll use it yet. I'm interested in other people's opinions on it. SalayView means Sun View. For some reason it won't embed properly in the post so I've had to attach
I have a doe whose parents both had blue eyes, but she has brown. Is there any possibility that her off spring could have blue eyes? I bred her to a brown eyed buck. From the charts I was looking at is seemed not possible. Just curious!
I made some mozzarella again today and I noticed that one half came out pretty tough. I've watched some videos on making mozzarella and it always comes out elastic and really shiney on the video. I think my trouble comes when I go to microwave it. I
I have what may seem as a really silly question but this is a situation we have not had before. It is time to bring in our Rent-a-Buck to service my ladies. Here is the problem: Now the stall he used to use when he came is occupied w
We had two first fresheners kid yesterday, with one kid each. The first to kid, Artemis, had a boy with no problems, and the second, Athena, had a little girl that I helped to pull slightly because I was not comfortable with the amount of time she ha
I had my first birth on my farm on Saturday. It was amazing. First timer had four male kids. The first two came out the correct way and the last two that were bigger came out with rear legs first. She passed all the kids without any problems. Th
I have three does, all of which should be pregnant. Two of them are getting noticeably thinner as their (supposed) pregnancies develop. They aren't really what I'd call too thin yet, though Cupcake is close. The underside of her tail is sort of wr
Just wanted to say quickly, I was getting some wanky milk out of my doe & didn't know why. I searched it on the forum and found an article somebody (probably Deborah) linked. I followed every step it said to take and finally got a good flavor this
So as you probably know by now from all my bombardments of questions our doe is due within a week or two and I want to make sure I know for sure when to do certain things for/to the kids.
I know you should have them disbudded as soon as you feel lit
Hello! I'm so glad I found this site, what a fabulous resource!
I'm an urban goat owner and live in SW Seattle, have 2 Nigerian Dwarf Does, one just freshened a couple weeks ago with triplet bucklings (who will be wethered at 4-6 weeks, pet home alr
Are babies are here!! We were blessed with 2 doelings and 1 buckling... Mommy did great and they are nursing like crazy. Thanks for all the support, that was the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed!!
If I gave my doe her cd&t vaccination a month before kidding do the kids need it again when they are disbudded??? When I called to make appt at the vet the girl said they would need it again. I was under the impression they have immunity now then th
Last night our Molly kidded with 2 boys! One looks like momma one like papa :) It was pretty emotional for us since we had waited so long :) What an experience! More to come! her twin sister is due later this week!
Livin My Dream Farm has kids for sale
2 bucks x Lost Valley JUM Miley 4*D x J-Nels SM Cracker
1doe x Doublegate MS Honeymoon x Lost Valley LV Rocky Road
We breed for show and milk. CAE neg herd.
I just got my 2 wethers home. They are 4 weeks old. So far they haven't taken to the bottle.
Any suggestions on what/how I should feed them? I live in NYC so there isn't any grazing. They are inside goats. I keep reading about the various percen
So my dad was talking to the person we bought our pregnant doe from and he said not to separate her from our other goats (we have 2 8 month old wethers and a doe, same age) because she would get lonely (which I believe, she really doesn't like being