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CD & T

Morning everyone!,

This is our first full year with goats, and I always have lots of questions when it's the first of everything! We did everyone's CD & T shots yesterday.  One goat is a little limp on her leg, still able to walk, jump, eat, poo, dri

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11 Replies
Views: 800

Hello from Iowa!

Hi Everyone!  My name is Sue Dowdy, and I live in southern Iowa on 80 acres.  I have always been a country girl, but am totally new to goats.  My 13 yr old granddaughter, Taylor, and I are purchasing 2 milking does, 1 kid buckling, and 1 kid doe  fro

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17 Replies
Views: 341

Arizona Newbie

Hi, I'm a new goat owner (wether and doe, Nigerians) in Arizona.  Immense fun seeing the neighbors reaction in our (sub)urban neighborhood!  Both are 2-3, need some work to be comfortable with me.  Any hints on training?

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3 Replies
Views: 99

New Goat Owner

Hello everyone! I recently bought two does, a buck and a wether from a great farm in South Florida. My husband and I love the Nigerian Dwarfs and enjoy them everyday. I have a lot to learn and really enjoy reading the posts here.

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Views: 91

New Kids

I had my second goat have kids on Saturday.  It was a long day and she was panting heavily since 11:30 AM on Saturday.  She finally kidded at 5:15PM.  She would cry anytime I left her alone.  She was up and down every minute and could not get comfort

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Views: 80

Ticks on goats

I can tell that it is going to be a BAD year for ticks here...I've already found two on two different goats. How do you treat goats for ticks? (one is about a week out from kidding, BTW).

Thanks for any advice.

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2 Replies
Views: 521

Not Standing on One Foot

One of our goats is being bothered by her left hind foot, but I can't figure out why.

Whenever she's on a hard surface (I don't see it as much when she's on grass or straw) she simply won't stand on that foot, she'll keep it lifted off the ground.

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6 Replies
Views: 244


My kids are eight weeks old and were disbudded at nine days old. I did the two bucklings first, so of course I did the poorest job on them. A few weeks later, I noticed little bumps and thought I would need to redo the disbudding but then one bucklin

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Views: 180