Birthday fun!
My little Nigerian Doe turns 1 today! I'm throwing her a small party, I made her a birthday cake. Hopefully she will like the cake! Will post pics of her eating her cake!
Read more…My little Nigerian Doe turns 1 today! I'm throwing her a small party, I made her a birthday cake. Hopefully she will like the cake! Will post pics of her eating her cake!
Read more…We had a very rough week this week. On Monday our doe Tsuanmi had a c-section and ended up with three beautiful kids that didn't survive. Then Wednesday morning my daughter and I found her dead. My daughter (7 yrs old) is convinced that Tsunami
Read more…Im wanting to buy a Nigerian Dwarf baby or adult this spring. But cant find a lot of breeders near by. Must be a ADGA registered. Or might be interested in a Mini mancha Not in a hurry to buy maybe sometime between February to June is the time fra
Read more…Marble's triplets are now a month old. There's plenty of good pasture and they're out all day. I'm worried that we're giving her too much grain now. She's been getting 10 ounces twice a day, though the babies have been nibbling off with her more and
Read more…Hello everyone! I am a Nigerian owner wanna-be. Still no goats yet, but they've finally legalized them in Seattle so I've been on a mission to become an informed lady before I get one! I've always wanted a goat as a pet, but I've since also fallen i
Read more…So one of our does kidded today. I knew this morning she was going to kid but had to go to work any way. So I went to work at 4:00am she was not in labor and I figured since she had her ligiments last night but they were gone this morning she would n
Read more…Today I noticed that one of my does was stamping her feet and twitching all over like she was plagued with flies, but there are no flies. Could it be fleas or lice??? None of my other goats are acting the same, there are no other signs of itching,
Read more…I took one of my junior yearlings to be bred Sunday evening. They did the act three times and there were all the signs of it being successful so I brought her back. However, she's still acting like she is in season. She is still red, still flagging,
Read more…HI..I have a one year old Nigerian Dwarf that has recently lost is two bottom front this normal or does anyone know what can cause this? Any help would be great..
Read more…My daughter wants to do 4h with our goats this year. When I was at the county fair they had all the 4h goats in a shed on display and I was looking at them and petting them and then suddenly I got all paranoid that I would bring something nasty home
Read more…Hey Everyone. I joined this site a few months ago and have learned quite a bit from reading your questions and answers but now I have a question of my own. I have four Nigerians - two does and two 4 month old doelings. One of my doelings, Chrysanthem
Read more…Hi All!!
I know it's been a long time since I've been on this site, but setting up a farm is some hard work and we had an exceptionally wicked Winter.. ANYWHOO, one of my does just gave birth yesterday and I'm in a pickle!! My doe had three kids..
Read more…I'm looking at the tattoo kits at Hoegger's site. which size would I get for the ND? They have the 5/16" or the 3/8".
Read more…I was feeding my doe, Spot, some brazil nuts this morning, and she dropped two of them while trying to chew. She's being syringe-fed "grain porridge" and there seems to be a lot more grinding noise than I would expect for soft food, so I looked (wit
Read more…My doe, Spot, kidded with triplets three months ago. She had gotten thin during her pregnancy and had some digestive imbalance right after kidding, but that cleared up with probiotics. We've been slowly increasing her grain ration, and now she's up
Read more…I don't have her yet, but in 3 more weeks my first doe is coming home. She'll have weaned her kids and be ready to be milked. So my time is limited to get my act together! PLEASE tell me what I am going to need!
I have basic animal husbandry skills,
Read more…we have a bottle baby who is now 2 1/2wks old. almost dead, tongue hanging out on day 1. raised body temp-took 6 hrs. began syringe feeding mother's milk, 1 oz at a time. by 4 days old she was drinking from a pritchard teat. by 6 days old, she was wa
Read more…I swear... I'm going to scream if I have to post one more "I hope she's pregnant and then NOPE she wasn't!" post!!
This is Ginger today:
Here is what she looked like in October of 2010 when I bought her:
I'm just hoping that it's REAL this time, and
Does anyone have experience with either using a buck service for your does or using your buck to service other people's does? My does went to visit some bucks for three weeks in December. The buck owner still hasn't decided what would be an appropr
Read more…We reserved a pedigreed doeling (our current goats are grade) months ago through a breeding plan, and she was FINALLY born last week. We are all atwitter with excitement. We have not met her in person yet, but hope to get out to the ranch soon, aft
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