Health (986)

Miraculous molasses!

I have to rave...and thank Deborah:


I was struggled with my new neglected doe who was anemic among other things, and after several weeks of Red Cell her color was still pitiful.  So Deborah suggested black strap molasses. 


Side note first: my oth

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3 Replies
Views: 2925

Feed & Supplements

Received a big package from Jeffers yesterday. I believe my kids think I have went into drug distribution after seeing me with cow pills and lots of empty capsules. One of them actually asked what would happen if the police saw what I was doing. I of

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6 Replies
Views: 128


How do you control flies?

We moved our goats out of their usual house because there was poop all around it, but even out in the field there's flies. One goat in particular has flies all over her and she doesn't even seem to care! She's got a big bla

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3 Replies
Views: 160

Herd testing

Hello. I am new to NDDG and only 1 year into owning my little guys. We started out with 2 wethers to keep our horse company and then added  2 does a few months later with the intension to breed them. When we bought our wethers we bought them from a N

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6 Replies
Views: 568

disbudding questions?

I have a brand new baby...she is one week old today and I want to get her disbudded. Problem is that there are virtually no vets in the area that work with goats. I am going to have to drive at least an hour and they want to sedate her and give her C

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24 Replies
Views: 471

Ticks on goats

I can tell that it is going to be a BAD year for ticks here...I've already found two on two different goats. How do you treat goats for ticks? (one is about a week out from kidding, BTW).

Thanks for any advice.

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2 Replies
Views: 521


I have a question about my doeling. My goat had triplets on 2/22/2012. They are just over a week old now and I am concerned about the smallest doeling. When they were born these were their weights. The 1st doeling (the one I'm concerned about) weighe

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10 Replies
Views: 341

cd&t at disbudding

If I gave my doe her cd&t vaccination a month before kidding do the kids need it again when they are disbudded???  When I called to make appt at the vet the girl said they would need it again. I was under the impression they have immunity now then th

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5 Replies
Views: 244

Coccidia prevention

Hi guys,


I am putting a deposit on a buckling who is just about 10 days old right now.  She told me she is going to put him on coccidia prevention but would not do it if I prefered she not.  She also said she was going to deworm him with something

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15 Replies
Views: 956

Feeding kids

As usual, I never know exactly where to put my posts. much grain should three 9 week old kids be eating (combined)? Two are bucklings and are weaned (sold their mama three days ago) and one is the single doe of a FF. They eat hay and th

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5 Replies
Views: 264

Kelp free choice



I saw an old post of yours where you are talking about feeding kelp free choice.  I have a horse who may or may not have a htyroid problem and I have read up on kelp to possibly help him and one thing I kept seeing in the horse info was ne

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16 Replies
Views: 1359
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