Health (986)


Our third breading season, we only breed once a year, has been heart breaking month of births, with many stillborns/deaths. 


With our research we believe that we have experienced toxoplasmosis. We did purchase two kittens last spring to help with b

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Views: 140

CD & T

Morning everyone!,

This is our first full year with goats, and I always have lots of questions when it's the first of everything! We did everyone's CD & T shots yesterday.  One goat is a little limp on her leg, still able to walk, jump, eat, poo, dri

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11 Replies
Views: 798

kids eye is mattering

Our little bottle baby, Tinkerbell, had one of her disbudding scabs come off today, so I sprayed it with iodine.  I am almost positive I did not get any in her eyes, but she wouldn't hold still, so I suppose it is possible that I did.  I noticed this

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4 Replies
Views: 580

Goat first aid kit


I know i've posted a lot latley but i'm still new to goat care and i just want to find out as much as possible before my goat (going to get anouther one with it most likey) comes home.

Alright so, as with all my animals i try to make a first aid

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2 Replies
Views: 596


Today I noticed that one of my does was stamping her feet and twitching all over like she was plagued with flies, but there are no flies.  Could it be fleas or lice???  None of my other goats are acting the same, there are no other signs of itching,

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7 Replies
Views: 389

Wormer Rotation

I would like to buy the Wormer Rotation Pack from Caprine Supply. It's Safe-Guard (Fenbendazole in the benzimidazole class), IverCare (Ivermectin in the macrocyclic lactone class), and Pyrantel Pamoate (in the pyrimidine class). I read that the Safe-

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33 Replies
Views: 2142

Reburning Scurs

Ok, I've searched the archives and haven't managed to answer my question, so:

I have three 5 week old bucklings that just had their disbudding scabs fall off.  Out of the three, one appears to have one scur coming in, and another has scurs on both si

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10 Replies
Views: 2778

Boots the Piggy

My goat made a pig of himself. We put them out in the new pen with fresh pasture, in just 3hrs he ate so much he can barely walk. I brought them back to the feedless pen, gave him some probiotics and put out baking soda for him. Now he will just have

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Views: 59

Not Standing on One Foot

One of our goats is being bothered by her left hind foot, but I can't figure out why.

Whenever she's on a hard surface (I don't see it as much when she's on grass or straw) she simply won't stand on that foot, she'll keep it lifted off the ground.

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6 Replies
Views: 238

Strange death

I just had a buckling die.  He was a twin.  I got them and they were too young 4-5 weeks.  I bottle fed both of them for several weeks, provided water, hay minimal grains.  I weaned them from milk and they were fine.  I kept them away from my other g

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3 Replies
Views: 200


I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I have a goat that has both knee's  all banged up. The fur is gone and he's constantly reopening the scabs. Is their something I can use to wrap his knee with or some other type of remedy ? I keep

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6 Replies
Views: 122
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