Health (988)

buckling stepped on a nail

Today my buckling (wether, actually) got a nail stuck in his hoof/foot.  I pulled it out, hoping it would bleed and flush the wound.  No such luck.  I sprayed it with blue coat.  The vet advised a round of penicillin, and didn't feel that tetanus tox

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4 Replies
Views: 331

Size of buckling

Hey guys.  I just bought a pet scale- had been wanting one.  Anyway, I weighed my bottle baby buckling that I thought was very small.  He weighs 30 lb, and is turning 5 months in a few days.  Am I over reacting or is he really tiny?


Is there anythi

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Views: 44

Young ones with diaherra

Hi there, I am new to this board and also new to owning two Nigerian Dwarf goat sisters who were born in July. I got them two weeks ago and am bottle feeding them twice a day. Two days ago the smaller one started having diaherra and then the next day

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25 Replies
Views: 517

What is this?

So I noticed today that two of our goats have these little red dots inside one of their ears, one more than the other. They feel dry and crusty/dusty.

What are they and are they a problem?

Sorry the pictures aren't great, had a hard time getting them

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4 Replies
Views: 205

Milk Issues :/

 I milked one of my nubians this morning and tonight and when I was filtering took me 3 filters. Her milk has thick stuff in it..not clumps..but its thick and when it goes through the filter it builds up enough to stop the milk from going thro

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30 Replies
Views: 318

Coughing goats

Hi guys-

I recently added two goats to my herd.  One was a doe that I bought locally .  When I got her home she had a dry cough, very mild, very occasional.  I was giving her some herbal preparations, one for immune support the other deworming.  She

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5 Replies
Views: 2300

Misc copper questions

Hi guys,  I have some copper questions for 3 of my goats


1 doe I purchased last fall & when I gave her a copper bolus she managed to sift it to the bottom of the grain and not eat a lot of it...I couldn't get her to eat it, wasn't sure exactly how

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2 Replies
Views: 52

Just a few things...

So we took in a couple Nigerian/Pygmy cross does from someone in town, and they are adorable. They do, however, have some minor issues.

1) I am 90% sure at least one doe is pregnant. Both does are as huge as a house, but one already has a fairly dev

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54 Replies
Views: 856

Best way to deworm ?

I was just wondering how people deworm there goats? I've seen the type you and to grain and the one that's a liquid that you inject into their mouths. That's the one I've been using, but I was wondering if their was a easier way. I have such a hard t

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Views: 217
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