Plums - Okay?
<big sigh> Capri, my senior doe and milking, is eating the fallen plums and, I suspect, taking them off the tree as well. She spits out the seeds. Is this okay?
Read more…<big sigh> Capri, my senior doe and milking, is eating the fallen plums and, I suspect, taking them off the tree as well. She spits out the seeds. Is this okay?
Read more…This is my girl, Starlight. Her ear is swollen up huge. It is very thick and firm. She was normal today mid afternoon, and when I went out for milking at 7:00 she looked like this. It isn't hot, she is acting normal, normal appetite, normal temp
Read more…I saw this posted on a fb page I follow and I thought I should share it here. It sounds like the symptoms of rabies in goats mimics other more common neurological issues but doesn't respond to the treatment. Scary stuff!
Read more…RABIES: written by Emily
Hello fellow goat lovers! My name is Debbie, I live in NW Florida and I have 2 Nigerian Dwarf does, 2 ND/Pygmy crosses and 1 recently-acquired registered ND buck. The oldest of our does is almost one year old. We have been trimming the outer hard
Read more…Someone posted this on facebook - good article
Read more…My doe who is nursing her doe has small bumps on her udder. I think they are just on the back of it and not on the teats or udder floor. I noticed some have a tiny bit of blood on them. What could this be and what can I do to treat it. Someone sugges
Read more…When I first started my homestead, part of my desire was to raise animals more naturally.I didn't want unnecessary antibiotics, growth hormones, etc. but at the sane time I knew I would not sacrifice an animals' health by withholding modern medicine
Read more…I have two bucks right now. One is 2 1/2 years old and the other is 8 weeks old. The baby got diarrhea really bad and I thought it might be because he had started to eat a little grain and I was weaning him, but then the older buck started to get d
Read more…I have a 2 month old wether that I just brought home Saturday. He has been having diarrhea since then. I got some anti-diarrheal medicine at Tractor Supply yesterday and have been giving it to him since last evening. I think he may be a little better
Read more…Hi all. I am still relatively new to goats (or any livestock, for that matter), but I have a sinking feeling one of my does may have bugs... She seems to be twitching and itching and stamping her feet a lot. I have brushed through her coat a numbe
Read more…Hi all, my granddaughter (Isabelle) wanted a baby goat for her birthday and so Nana got her one but I had to buy a second one to keep it company. When push came shove I couldn't leave the little brother behind so now I have 3. One is 9 weeks old and
Read more…I have two little goat kids with some health issues. Both are bucklings, same mama, same kidding. About 3 weeks old. They are both nursing, but aren't gaining weight like their brother.
The vet says they have fluid in their lungs and pretty bad
Read more…This popped up on my farm fb page and I thought you all might be interested. He is a Togg! I just hope the link works and takes you to the right place!
Read more…I posted about my yearling buck having some health concerns. Things are more under control now thankfully! I have wormed him with Ivomec and believe after much reading and observing him that he had mites. He is looking much better now already afte
Read more…am I correct that you do not need to have done CDT in order to castrate w/ Burdizzo?
Read more…My doe who has a 5 day old kid started getting a rough coat over the past few months and now that she has had her kid her coat seems even rougher/dryer. My 2ed doe, who is due to kid in a couple of weeks also has started getting a rough coat . The s
Read more…Hello!
I'm having something of a problem with our goats getting enough copper. They have free choice loose mineral (sweetlix meat maker) which they eat like its goat crack! We go through it like crazy. We also dose them with COWP when they show sig
Read more…> > Hello, > I am new to goats in the past two years. I have Nigerian Dwarf goats. I have been trying to learn everything I can about the goats from this and other forums. I have asked a couple of questions before on here with wonderful results. I as
Read more…How much Probios do you give your kids when they are 5 days old? I looked in the Fias Co Farm page and it said 5 grams but I'm not sure if that is for standard size goats or both.
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