Plums - Okay?

<big sigh> Capri, my senior doe and milking, is eating the fallen plums and, I suspect, taking them off the tree as well.  She spits out the seeds.  Is this okay?

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  • So funny about the doggy door - fortunately, mine is small enough that they don't go in though the kids certainly could have.

    My mischief girl Capri was under the apricot tree trying to get a limb down - not for the leaves but for the apricot that was ripened and out of her reach.  I was really mean and picked it for myself and ate it!

    She really is quite funny - when I let them out into the main yard, Capri heads to where the plums sometimes drops and scopes it out.  Now she detours briefly under the apricot tree.

  • My goats LOVE crabapples! YAY something to do with the zillions of crabapples!

  • One of my goats knows how to go through the doggy door, and we finally figured out to put the paper where she cant get it, wow

  • This is the same girl who has figured out how to open the back screen door and fill my kitchen with goats if I'm not right there.  She also knows how to unlatch the gate to the garage but cannot quite get her nose in the right position.  I tell people all the time what I read here: 

    The best thing about goats is how smart they are.  The worst thing about goats is how smart they are.

  • I've actually never had a goat that liked fruit ... at least as far as I know! But the only issue with any fruit is that the pits in peaches and plums, etc, are poisonous, so it just amazes me that she's spitting out the pits! Goats are so smart!

  • <bigger sigh - of relief>  At first, I thought she was eating fallen leaves, but there was a lot of chewing and "mouth-twisting" then out popped the seed and to the tree looking for another!  I suspect the same thing is happening under my apricot tree where I have found a few pits; however there are few apricots (not cold enough winters) balanced by an abundance of plums.  Clark County, Washington, was once the plum capital of the world (sadly, most former plum orchards are now sub-divisions).

    Though the pear trees are in the fenced off area, perhaps I should ask about pears.

  • As long as she's spitting out the seeds, you're good! Smart goat!

  • And Ginger, my yearling, is eating the mulberries she can reach!

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