My doe who is nursing her doe has small bumps on her udder. I think they are just on the back of it and not on the teats or udder floor. I noticed some have a tiny bit of blood on them. What could this be and what can I do to treat it. Someone suggested Sore Mouth but I would think if that was the case her doeling would be showing signs too, which she is not. I noticed this about a week ago.
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My does with kids on them got cuts when the kids got older and started getting rough. They were from their teeth. They would bleed if the scabs got pulled off, but now that one of them doesn't have kids on her anymore, her scabs are going away, so that's a possibility too.
Sore mouth generally starts on the mouth and it gets on the udder from a nursing kid, so it is probably not that, especially since you noticed it a week ago, and there hasn't been any change. Sore mouth eventually turns into scabs, which is why it is called "scabby mouth" Down Under. There are all sorts of reasons why a doe might have bumps on her udder. Kailyn's suggestion is a possibility, or it could be some kind of skin infection, probably minor. In my experience, however, there have always been bumps on the teats themselves. One time I had a doe with mastitits who had bumps on her teats, which went away when the mastitis was treated. So, there are really all kinds of possibilities, although most are not terribly serious.
I'm not saying I know what it is, but it sounds familiar to when one of my does' udder got chewed up by mosquitoes after she kidded in late June one year. It was terrible and I felt so bad for her, especially since I had shaved her udder which probably just made it easier for the mosquitoes to bite. I already had some Rosemary soaking in Olive Oil, so I took the oil and rubbed it over the back of her udder to soothe the skin and repel the mosquitoes.
Maybe it could be the same thing for your doe? I hope it's not something more serious!