Needing wisdom on how to treat my 7 week old buckling. Took him to the vet last week because of a raspy upper respitory sound and runny nose. The vet checked him over and his lungs were ok, his trek seemed to be inflamed and that was it. The vet thought maybe allergies. He said that he could give a steroid shot and antibiotic, but it would be my call. He also said if it were his goat, he would do nothing. I have been treating it with Herbiotis from Fir Meadows LLC and he seemed to improve. Then we had a really windy day and now his eyes are goopy and he has a mucus discharge from his nose, but his temp is 102.4 and he is eating, drinking and acting bucky. I would appreciate any advise that you might have.
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I have a doe that has coughed and often had a runny nose for three years now. She hasn't passed it on to any of her offspring. I have had three of her kids grow up here, all healthy and well. She milks well and has had triplets both freshenings. She looks healthy, shiny coat and bright eyes, good appetite, just an all around normal healthy goat other than that cough and the snotty nose sometimes.
I think the allergy (or sensitivity) thing can maybe happen, or there might be some other cause like damage from the past before I got her, but she's doing well and I'm done obsessing about this doe. It has kind of bugged me that I can't have an explanation for the problem, but I guess I just never will.
I hope all the best for you with your guy! :)
If he is eating, drinking, walking around, chewing his cud, and doesn't even have a temp, it doesn't sound like he's sick, so there isn't much meds could do for you.
My barn has dirt floors and our barn doors open on the west side and that is the direction the wind comes from. I bed down with straw also. My hay is not dusty or moldy. I have other goats and they are fine. I didn't want to do meds if it isn't needed .
Sounds like dust might be the problem, especially if it got worse on a windy day. Is your hay dusty? Do you live on a gravel road? Do you have bare patches of dirt in your pasture? I wonder how many goats your vet has seen. I've never heard of a goat with respiratory allergies, and if I had one, I wouldn't be using it for breeding. Only one of my goat vet textbooks mentions respiratory allergies, and it is just one sentence stating that it is caused by dusty conditions or moldy feed and is usually only seen in older goats.