Hi, My name is Kayleen and I have a dream of having a functioning self sufficent homestead in northeast AZ. We have the land, garden, solar/wind power, and the chickens. We don't have goats yet, but want to add them this year. I am here to learn anyt
Hello! Thank you to my friends for the invitation to join this group. I am Heather Fair from Wasilla, Alaska. My herd name is Fair Skies and I have a herd of about 30 Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats.
This year we have at least 9 does bred, with up to 9 m
I have this doe and she gets these growths it comes and goes and I was just wondering any of you had an idea what I could do to stop it? Thanks
Mac's Rainbow sm ;-0
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The American Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Association is an official breed club recognized by ADGA & AGS to promote the Nigerian Dwarf as a dairy animal. As stated on the club's website (http://ANDDA.org), "the purpose of ANDDA is to promote and ensure the c
Just wanted to introduce myself. Mac's Rainbow just invited me...thanks Sarah!
Anywho, I have around 50 nigerians. They are all AGS and/or ADGA and some are tripled with NDGA. I just love my goaties. I do showing and will start milking this upcoming
Dianea Fay sent me an invitation to join this group....so here I am. My name is Linda Worley and my husband and I own Good Measure Farm. We are a 38 acre farm in central Oklahoma. We grow our own hay, fruit, and vegetables. We have a herd of Nige
I have an offer on one of my does, and the buyer is on the other side of the country. I think the doe is bred, but not positive. If she is, she is due sometime between the end of Feb and the end of March. We were supposed to ship her just after the n
I have 7 akbash/akita cross puppies for sale. They are great puppies and have been raised with goats. They are doing awesome! $100 rehoming fee or will consider trades.
How do you feel about Lutalyse or other heat-inducing medications? We don't have any bucks yet and our breeder instructed us to have our doe injected with this so she would be ready for breeding this weekend. I guess I'm OK with it as I can never tel
Ok- I have put a call into the vet and am waiting for a return call. One of the older goats still has the golf ball size- what I assume is an abscess. I also found scour in the house- again. This time it had tiny (1-2 mm) white- I assume- worms separ
This region of the Willamette Valley in Oregon bills itself as the Grass Seed Capital of the World. Which means there are a lot of green fields at this time of year.
I got my start with ND's in 2007 with four does from Sarah at Mac's Rainbow. Fortun
Margaret will be giving away an autographed copy of Living With Goats. To enter, just leave a comment in this thread before midnight central time Friday. They'll be choosing the winner on Saturday morning and posting on here.
Margaret will be giving away an autographed copy of Year of the Goat on Saturday. If you'd like a chance to win, then just leave a comment in this thread by midnight central time Friday, and you'll be automatically entered. You're welcome to enter bo
Hey folks! My Mom (Donna Mae on this site) created some really beautiful calendars for 2010 that she has for sale. There are lots of different themes but the one with the goats is super cute. If you'd like to buy one you could contact her through her
I finally got my kidding schedule updated. We're not doing any summer kidding next year, as it is too stressful on kids born in the middle of summer to have to deal with parasites at the peak of their season. So, those does not bred now will be bred
Hello all,
I need some input.
One of my older goats- born on July 20- was band casterated. All went well and the part fell off a few weeks ago as was supposed to. However this week, my husband noticed a white substance in the goat house and that one
Hi everyone!
Our visit with Margaret Hathaway, author of Year of the Goat and Living With Goats, is here! She'll be happy to talk about goats, travel, or writing, and any combination of the three topics.
Margaret visited my blog last week, and we ha
I posted before on this- but need a bit more info. We have been trimming the hooves a bit, but are now looking to buy better tools- we had been using a pair of clippers from my husband's toolbox.
I see several types of hoof trimmers, hoof planes, hoo
Clearly Nigerian dwarf milk is excellent for cheese making with its high fat content. But is the milk too rich for regular milk consumption? Would I get obese by pouring Nigerian dwarf goat milk on my bowl of cereal every morning?
We're also trying to decide whether to fence the goats on an open pasture that is well guarded by our free-roaming dogs and close to our house, or on an overgrown ridge a bit further from the house that has plentiful browse but is more difficult to p