Came across this goat dewormer today while looking for poultry dewormer. It is WormGuard plus. It claims to be all natural, kill every type of parasite and so on. Anyone ever heard of it? Used it? It sounded a bit to good to be true to me.
I'm new, so I'm not quite sure the ropes yet, but I'm going to just jump right in...
Last year (Jan 2008), my husband and I purchased a doe (Jaime) and her doeling (Maggie). Little did we know, it was more of a "rescue" than a rehome. The seller
Does anybody know if you can put nigerian dwarf goats and nubian goats together? I know that there is a size difference. I would love to mix the nigerian with 1/2 nubian to make a mini nubian. Any advice?
We have two goats that are 1/2 sisters. The dominating one is very aggressive to her sister. It has become to the point that she will not even offer to fight back. She takes the head butting and she gets hit often. I understand the pecking order,
Liberty was due on the 20th - my daughter's 6th birthday - but kidded on the 24th with a single buck kid. My daughter has dubbed him "Justice" as in "Liberty and Justice for all". :)
Where do you find the round barrels for the goats to jump up on? Silly question...
Also, we have a Great Prynese that is mixed with lab and ? He is very agressive. Would he attack our goats? or are they mostly a guard dog of the goats? Would you p
I am going to be getting 2 nigerian dwarf wethers and i plan on making the pen 16ft by 16 ft and using a calf hutch that is 4by 8ft , with a plywood frame bottom that is raised off the ground.The pen floor will be covered with of wood chips because
How do I know if my adult buck is sick or not? He is making grunting noises, and he's not quite himself. Crying, and sticking his tongue out a little. Its 80 degrees today, warmer than it has been, could he just be hot? I gave him some probiotics an
I have a buckling born Feb 13th, That went off feed (just for 24 hours) and started having sours on the 21st of March. I immediately started him on CoRid, and when he hadn't improved by the morning of day 4 I took him to the vet. Fecal was done, a
Hi all, we are excited to be a part if the group. We're a small farm in western NY. We have 13 Nigerians (1 of which is the sweetest buck ever, 2 of which are brand new baby girls-who need a home!!). Also have three Toggs, a llama, an alpaca, and fou
Does anyone else take their goats to nursing homes? I took a couple kids yesterday and the residents seemed to LOVE it. I do have a few questions though, because this nursing home was on the reservation I wasn't bonded by most laws, but what are the
We sold our whether a few days ago and his dam has seemed kind of depressed since then. He was 7 months old, so not nursing or even in the same fence as her, but he is the kid that she raised. She has company and nothing else in our routine has cha
My name is Karen & we live in the Central NY area. I'm not new to farming, but I'm new to goats. We raise miniature horses & Llamas. I have been doing a lot of research on the Nigerian Dwarf goats & cant wait to start raising them. If any of you know
There is a wire that runs from the house out to a little post in the field that controls out weather station. It is not eleltrical. The goats dragged it into thier pen today and now it is in little pieces. Should I be concern about thier health? I a
Is there a temperature that is to hot or cold for a goat? Our temperature is up and down right now. Today it will be over 80 degrees. Later this week, it will be in the 50's. What do you all do if it gets really hot or cold? Any information would
Need some advice on what to do for my doe after a difficult birth. She had one by herself and the second kid was not coming so I had to go in all the way and turn the head around. One leg was forward and I couldn't fine the other at first, bu
I am Aleesha and live in Southern Michigan. I recently bought 2 Bucks 1 1/2 months old (Pez) and 1 3/4 months old (Pete). My sister in law has 4 does that we will be breeding with... I'm going to send her this sites info so she can join al
Hello everyone. After noticing excessive foot stomping and licking I have noticed that one of my does shed out heavily and now has some bald patches. I am convinced it is lice although I cant see anything. She does seem to be excessively scaley. We h