I am reading a book called "Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats" The book states that Oak leaves are poisonous to goats...we have a Red Oak in our barnyard...is this tree really a potential problem? We also have many White and Swamp oaks on our
I have been milking a small doe that lost her babies and she has given us yummy milk for 4+ weeks. Her teats are so small I bought a maggidan milker and then finish by hand. it hasn't been a problem. However my easy milker kidded with triplets 2 week
I have been on cloud 9 with my ladies going into heat and my rent-a-buck on hand to do the job and my new "nursery" box. We added 6 new babies since February. Feb. 26 we added two little Pygmy babies one buckling and one doeling.
I am looking for a doe that has good milk genetics to increase our herd. We live in KY, but I will be traveling to Illinois in a couple of weeks. Would prefer a doe, instead of a doeling that is currently in milk. If anyone has one available, pl
I'm breeding my ladies for the first time and have the buck out in the pen with them. He's having a ball, but is going to have to go back home soon. Only problem is, I, being the newbie that I am, have no idea if they've done the deed! Here's what
I have the 00 size gel caps. would filling them halfway be an appropriate size for 8 week old kids? Oviedo is starting to look a tad on the blonde side.
Hi all! When we got Buckwheat at 4 wks old...he had a cyst on his cheek which the vet lanced and flushed and drained. He's been on antibiotics for 2 wks now and it's gone. However...last night, I discovered another one on his side up top near the
Brought PeeWee in for weight (1.75) and measurements (8 inches) and found that he has lice, so do all the other babies. I am sure my does and buck do also. I cleaned the bedding out two nights ago and will
These little boys have certainly grown! Santiago ( top) has shown a lot of promise since the minute he was born! Oviedo (bottom) has really grown and continues to be a challenge to get in front of a camera!
I will be getting my first Nigerian's (2 doelings)in a couple of months. I currently have 2 Nubian weathers, 21 chickens, 5 peacocks and a couple of pet (neutered) Rabbits. All are housed in horse stalls in a 50X60 pole ban. We close the barn ever
So I think it would be a good idea to do a one day milk test on 2 of my Nigerian girls. I'm planning on breeding them next week, so I'd be testing them in the fall. I've never done a milk test before and was wondering- how soon after freshening do
Just curious if anyone knows what this could be. In speaking with a friend today about my upcoming cheese, milk plans..she said she'd just read a travel blog where the guy got sick from eating cheese in a French village? She didn't remember what they
Our friend bought a registered goat and has a bill of sale. She never registered the transfer. She is selling us the goat now. Can we include both bills of sale when we register the transfer She didn't register the goat becasue she does not have a he
Sumac delivered twin bucklings around noon today. We had the timer set to check on her every 45 minutes (we really need to get a monitor) as her ligaments were totally gone during morning chores. My husband went out to check on her and felt for her l
ok, I was in love with the goat idea, until I read about disbudding. I got very nauseated reading about it. (I am a newbie, so I finally got around to looking up some new words related to the goat world). I just don't think I can/ want to do that t
Huge windstorm here on Sunday - with gusts around 70 mph. Thought at one point the barn was coming down around me. Storm started about 3:30pm and she kidded with triplet buck kids about 9pm when it had calmed down enough that I was only worried a