I am super excited because today I get to use a dishwasher for the first time in two years!! I bought the thing about a month ago but my uncle finally came and installed it! This dishwasher has a top rack only and a sanitizing feature which I really
Okay, thankfully, I don't have to worry about this for a long time as we don't even have out little goats yet. But a 16 year old girl in our group has been showing goats (Nubians) for several years and has participated in disbudding before (with her
Just found this group by accident while looking for Nigerian Goat breeders in Montana. Our 17 yo daughter is looking for dairy goats for FFA showing and Nigerians are one of the breeds we are looking at. Tomorrow we get to go meet some for th
I have been pouring over sites for an hour -( trying to figure out if I am feeding my ff enough or too much.?? I am giving her 1/4 c. calf manna (she had turned into a spiny saurus) - 1/4 c. cracked corn, bout 1/3 c. black oil ss, then enough 16% gr
Do goats get ear infections like dogs? My doe sometimes shakes her head like the dogs do when their ears are bothering them. I don't think that's really it, but she has been itchy, so I'm thinking allergies. I treated her for worms and lice when we g
I saw Isabel stargazing again. And by now I am not totally convinced that thiamine deficiency is what is causing her to do that, however she did not do that before she kidded in February, so I am pretty sure something has to be causing it, I just don
I hate seeing a goat laying on the ground and I have really begun to dread going out to do morning chores because...Today I lost the other buck that came with Pecial. He was much younger. I decided n
My oldest, largest goat who looked ready to kid back in Dec has had a prolapse. She is very uncomfortable but when she stands the prolapse goes back inside. She is 150 days in 2 weeks. Any thoughts on making her more comfortable?
I know I read a few discussions on disbudding and now I can not find them, so again. When is the best age to disbud a Nigerian? My buck is 11 days old now. Also, was the size of the disbudding iron 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch. I would appreciate any help in
Finally Sapphire kidded last night between 8:00pm and 10.00pm. Of course she picked the coldest day we have had in a month or more to have her kids. It was below freezing for the first time since Febuary.She had twins a buck and a doe. Her doe looks
Hi! Currently I have four mini silky fainters. I got them last summer. They are all wethered and pets. They were my first goats. This spring I wanted to add two more goats to my herd.
The mini fainters are scarce in this area and also very expen
I have recently realized that I have a mouse population growing in my barn.... I have been using live traps baited with feed and have caught many that way. Seems like the population is growing quickly now. I do not want to use poison because I am
I am having a difficult time choosing my bucks and wonder if some of you who are experienced could give me some advice. I did choose a 6 week old buckling who is polled and has championships in his pedigree as well as milk. However, I need to choos
Michael has made his plans and has given me a list of questions to ask you all your thoughts about before he starts all the cutting and nailing of the housing!
We are starting out with two goats as we have loads going on at the
The kids are 3 weeks old today, and I know I should start giving them the stuff to prevent coccidosis (sp?). My mentor told me the doses, but I cant find where I wrote it down...I know she is in the barn with all her does kidding. Might anyone else k
Okay, with a goat this small where do you get a pail? Can I get a regular stainless steel pot from the store or do I need a proper pail? Jeffers has a 2 qt pail for $19.95 and I know I'm gonna need a strainer and pads. Where do you guys get your supp
Zoe presented us with a buck and a doe just before 5PM. She was a surprise kidder since I expected she wouldn't take when she kept coming back into heat. She is already being a great mother!
Its now been about two months since my girls kidded. Indiana will be ready for breeding in June I am sure. She seems to have nearly regained her pre-kidding condition. I milk her twice a day and she has no kids on her anymore as two died short after
So I have the opportunity (that I'm taking) to get a doeling from a friend and fellow farmer. (and my goat dealer) HOWEVER. She comes from a dam that isn't registered. Here's what I understand about the situation: