Breeding Behavior

Howdy everyone,


I brought in a buck tonite for my doe who I think is in heat.  She is the herd boss and is definitely putting him in his place.  He is not giving in, but I want to make sure this is normal behavior for mating.  He definitely is interested in her and did the flapping thing.  She allowed him to mount her when I was holding her by the collar.  He rubs his head into her shoulder and she seems to like it.  But she is butting him into the fence and she isn't gentle.  So  - should I worry about him?  Does it sound like she is in heat?  is this normal behavior?  I would say he is about 18 inches and she is 21, so a size difference for sure, but he seems to be holding his own.

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  • Update:  the next day she stood for him and wouldn't let him out of her site.  She has been nice ever since. =)  I think I caught her at the very beginning of her heat and she wasn't quite ready for him on that first night. 
  • Although some things in the goat world make no sense, one thing that does have a logical name is "standing heat." Does don't usually get pregnant unless they're in standing heat, which means they will willingly stand for the buck to mate them. They are in heat for a longer period of time than they are in standing heat, so you could have been early or late if she wasn't standing for him. Does can be very hard on a buck if they don't like him, and that can also happen. I've had a few goats who didn't like a particular buck, even though they were in standing heat. Most bucks are persistent, but you just have to leave them together for a few hours.
  • Others may have a different opinion, but I don't think I would worry too much because they don't know each other. As long as they aren't hurting one another...Give them a bit more time and see if she doesn't warm up a bit.
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