So I have the opportunity (that I'm taking) to get a doeling from a friend and fellow farmer. (and my goat dealer) HOWEVER. She comes from a dam that isn't registered. Here's what I understand about the situation:
There was a sale of this Dam's mother who is registered. That sale was never documented through the registry. Then, while the mother was at the farm she was sold to, she was bred. I believe to a registered buck. Then that dam was sold to my friend with the promise that her paperwork was in order, (which it was not) and would be sent to her. (which it was not) At any rate, my friend actually knows and has good relationships with the original owner of the mother, and was able to get her goats registered up to the Dam that I will be buying from. What I want to know is if there's anything I can do to help my friend get this Dam registered? She's her best milker, a great mom, and her babies are all excellent temperaments. I can see it even in the hours old doeling I am getting from her.
So here's my deal. I'm raising my goats for my purpose only, but I have paid to have the two does I have registered, and I'll be breeding all my does to registered bucks. I don't plan to show, nor to I plan to sell kids most of the time. I do like the idea of keeping registration "integrity" in my herd. I don't MIND being SOL on registering this doeling, but she's got the potential to be my best doe in my herd. She comes from good milking lines, has blue eyes, and will be bred to a polled buck, so I have the potential to have mostly blue eyed kids and 50% chance that they will also be polled.
Now I'm rambling... any ideas? What kind of paperwork are we talking about and what can I do (if anything) to hunt all of it down? Is that something I can do, or is it up to my friend to get it all done? Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me!!
OK. I'm not sure if the "missing" farm is going to be a problem or not... since they never documented that she was sold to the one in the middle.
I'll ask my friend where she registered the rest of them. Or I may be able to look at my reg. papers. I think it's ADGA.