I haven't been online much in the last week because we finally moved to our new TN farm! We have been crazy-busy getting an area set up for the horse and pony (who arrived this morning at 5AM!) and we have been working on goat areas. Putt
We have a community well and there is a problem with the water right now so we started water service again because we don't have the time and space resources to boil all the water we consume. I am super happy with it because I hate our water. And ev
We are just starting our herd and will have 2 wethers (being banded today) and a doeling. The doeling has a free breeding when she's old enough. We are trying to figure out should we consider purchasing a yearling doe or a buckling to gr
I discovered what's the matter with my poor little goats, why they wouldn't go out and forage in their pasture. After sitting with them a few afternoons I realized that each time they head out they get swarmed by fire ants and so they j
We are such newbies and have so many questions! One is my 8wk.old runt kid (who is adorable) has a real bubble belly, alert and eating more hay/grain and down to 2 bottles a day. Could he be wormy and if so what should I safely do for him? Also,
We are having problems with one of our bucklings eyes. It has quickly turned from slight red to blue covered. We have used tobramycin, but doesn't seem to be working very quickly. I am not sure how to determine if it is ulcerated? We have an app
I have two 1 year old Nubian weathers. I have dome some halter training with them. I want to start harness training and am considering the Ground Driving Rig sold in the Hoegger Catalog. They sell a Goat Driving Pamphlet at the bottom of the same
Sorry I haven't been on much lately! I will be back. =)
I just wanted to let you all know my good news! The last time I treated Clara it worked! No more swelling for over a week now! If anyone wants to know what I did, I will be happy to tell you
I'll post some before and after pictures - birth went well, 2nd kid was a total breech but I got her out ok and I'm glad I did as she is the one I will be retaining for our herd.
Hello everyone. I live in UGA Bulldog territory! :) I have done some research on the different types of goats. My aunt has acquired 4 Boer does which was the final spark to get my goat fire burning. LOL I decided I didn't want to start off with
When I was by our barn this morning I saw a feral kitten run in the goat shed. I have 3 new (to our farm) 10 week old ND's. Can they contract anything from this stray kitten? I just called my husband to see how everyone was doing and he said the kitt
Hello, Another newbie here! My husband have a small farmette in SW Wisconsin with 13 chickens, 10 steers, 1 spoiled cat, and we'll soon be adding 2 little registered ND doelings. We moved here from IL last august. I found this forum yesterday and hav
Hello! I raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, and, well... I just love my goats. I have a small herd, but I am constantly upgrading as I get a better eye, see what my bucks are producing, and what is winning.
I currently can't show, as I am in nursing school,
Yesterday, my son noticed my wether wasn't acting "right". He seemed sleepy and didn't want to walk. Well, that evening, my other son was walking him back to the barn and he just stopped in the doorway and sat down and didn't want to get up. I wen
Hello, long story short we have two Nigerian Dwarf goats and recently took them off of Super Goat because I heard from the vet it can cause stones in the goat (no bueno)
My goats were disbudded by the breeder about a month ago, but tonight while I was sitting with them, I noticed that our wether's one bud was bleeding. I tried to take some pictures, but he kept moving. His disbudd sight has always looked a little d
My name is Mauree and I am now the owner of a pretty little Nigerian doe and her brother. We have banded the brother, so he can be a constant companion for her. We have Nubians, but at the Baton Rouge Show we met up with some really great people th
I had a whole post written up, but decided it was too negative...
Today I am feeling like I am not supposed to have goats at this time in my life. It seems like everything that can go wrong is going wrong and we can't afford to keep putting out mone
I had a Nigerian dwarf give birth about 40 hours ago. The babies seemed healthy after day one but today the mother has seemed to neglect one for the other. The other was very week and seemed to have little or nothing in its stomach. The mother defini