Hello! I raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, and, well... I just love my goats. I have a small herd, but I am constantly upgrading as I get a better eye, see what my bucks are producing, and what is winning.
I currently can't show, as I am in nursing school,
Yesterday, my son noticed my wether wasn't acting "right". He seemed sleepy and didn't want to walk. Well, that evening, my other son was walking him back to the barn and he just stopped in the doorway and sat down and didn't want to get up. I wen
Hello, long story short we have two Nigerian Dwarf goats and recently took them off of Super Goat because I heard from the vet it can cause stones in the goat (no bueno)
My goats were disbudded by the breeder about a month ago, but tonight while I was sitting with them, I noticed that our wether's one bud was bleeding. I tried to take some pictures, but he kept moving. His disbudd sight has always looked a little d
My name is Mauree and I am now the owner of a pretty little Nigerian doe and her brother. We have banded the brother, so he can be a constant companion for her. We have Nubians, but at the Baton Rouge Show we met up with some really great people th
I had a whole post written up, but decided it was too negative...
Today I am feeling like I am not supposed to have goats at this time in my life. It seems like everything that can go wrong is going wrong and we can't afford to keep putting out mone
I had a Nigerian dwarf give birth about 40 hours ago. The babies seemed healthy after day one but today the mother has seemed to neglect one for the other. The other was very week and seemed to have little or nothing in its stomach. The mother defini
Before I built my hay feeder I would throw in 1 flake per night to my 3 goats. They would appear to pick at it but it seemed as if practically none had been eaten the next day.
I just purchased 3 Nigerian Dwarf goats. One is a 10 day old doeling and the other 2 are 3 week old boys (soon to be wethers). We are bottle feeding them. One of the boys has had diarrhea since we brought him home a week ago. We got him on some
For those of you who make soap or hope to make soap someday, you should read my blog post today. I splashed lye in my left eye yesterday. It sounds like my vision will recover, but it would have been better to avoid this incident altogether.
I am in the process of acquiring Nigerian Dwarf goats. I am starting with two registered junior does, and plan to get a buck from a friend who is from registered stock, but not registered. My husband thinks that perhaps we should just get a registe
My name is Robin and I am up in Massachusetts. (moved up here from GA) My husband and I have a very small farm just over 2 acres and we share it with several alpacas, 2 rescued dogs, 2 horses and our 3 new ND babies! We are planning a c
Hi~my name is Jen, and we have two does. We also have bees, bantam chickens and call ducks and I love to garden. :) Happy to meet other folks with Nigerians and learn as much as I can about them!
I have some pictures on my page of my goats ears and nose, but I thought at first it was copper deficiency. However, upon closer inspection yesterday, I saw clumps of eggs near the base of the ears on several of the goats. From the research I did y
I have tons of pepper trees and tall weeds etc that my goats enjoy to eat and I was pondering the idea of trimming stuff for them to eat in their stall instead of hay at night. Does anyone have experience feeding branches/bundles of weeds etc?
My doeling is polled and my whether was supposed to be dis-budded. The dis-budding did not take and now he has little stubby horns. The lady I bought him from told me to bring him back and she would notch and band them. I spoke to my vet and he just