All Discussions (4286)

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Disbudding question

My goats were disbudded by the breeder about a month ago, but tonight while I was sitting with them, I noticed that our wether's one bud was bleeding.  I tried to take some pictures, but he kept moving.  His disbudd sight has always looked a little d

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2 Replies
Views: 61

Very Discouraged

I had a whole post written up, but decided it was too negative...

Today I am feeling like I am not supposed to have goats at this time in my life.  It seems like everything that can go wrong is going wrong and we can't afford to keep putting out mone

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42 Replies
Views: 233

frontline usage

Has anyone ever used frontline on their goats and if so, what dose and how did it go for you?


I am asking because I DID--I used it for lice, I used a large dog (89 lb) size.  One doe has had no side effects. .the other doe is losing her hair.  :(


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7 Replies
Views: 5955

Di-Methox Question, quick

Hi all...

I have a 3 mos old doeling that I need to treat ASAP for Cocci...

I have a packet of Di-Methox powder (107 gr)---do I mix the entire pkg w/ 1 gallon of water?
(That's the recommendation for cattle)

And, if so, can I not just use 1/2 the pack

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6 Replies
Views: 376

Mites/Mange Question

I have some pictures on my page of my goats ears and nose, but I thought at first it was copper deficiency.  However, upon closer inspection yesterday, I saw clumps of eggs near the base of the ears on several of the goats.  From the research I did y

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48 Replies
Views: 4386