Happy News!

Sorry I haven't been on much lately!  I will be back. =)

I just wanted to let you all know my good news!  The last time I treated Clara it worked!  No more swelling for over a week now!  If anyone wants to know what I did, I will be happy to tell you, but I can't remember if I already wrote it at this group and I don't want to repeat it if you already know. =)

I'm so excited!  Everyone is healthy and hopefully the improved minerals will continue them on an upward spiral.

I also sold some goats!

This is the end of week two with NO INCIDENTS!  Yay!

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  • Wow!!  That's some serious love!  Congrats on the outcome and thanks for sharing!!  :0)
  • Yay! I'm so glad to hear that Clara is doing better.
  • Yes, she was and I still don't know for certain what was causing it, but here is what I did.

    For those who don't know, Clara first started swelling on May 19th.  I took her to the vet and she had cocci and bacteria.  They said it was just slight.  I gave her 5 days of SMZ and she got a ltitle better, but the swelling never completely went away until around the 6th of June (during my 1st Hoeggers treatment).  I didn't put it together that it was the Hoeggers, but on June 9th it came back with a vengeance, and she swelled all the way down to her legs.

    I couldn't locate any Ivermec Plus, so I decided to use what I had on hand.  I didn't want to wait even until the next day.  I went to the barn at 9pm and gave her a tablespoon of Hoeggers herbal wormer in a water drench plus a teaspoon of organic raisins, and some raw organic pumpkin seeds and flax.  I also gave her 1 omeprazole (OME) since the vet thought she might have ulcers.

    The next day I spoke to Ann Hoegger to see if she thought I could do a series of the Hoeggers, since I had just given her 3 days worth around the 5th of June.  She suggested giving her 1.5 teaspoons in the morning and 1.5 teaspoons in the evening for three days.

    So, from June 10-12 I gave this to Clara along with alfalfa pellets in the morning and flax and pumpkin seeds in the evening.  I gave her the OME twice a day until the 11th and then did some reading on it and decided I didn't want to give it to her anymore.

    Along with these things we started pulling dandelions and feeding them to all the goats.  I gave Clara a LOT of them, and tried to get some leafs and root for her as well.  (I read that the root is good for the liver).

    I have continued to give her the dandelion and the alfalfa.

    It is now 13 days later and she has not had any swelling since and her hair has all grown back in on her nose.

    I don't know which thing is the one that worked, but I know what I will do next time (minus the OME)

    Any feedback or ideas on what you think it was that worked?

  • Clara was the one with the swollen jaw, right? I don't remember hearing anything about her lately, so please share!
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