I raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, and, well... I just love my goats. I have a small herd, but I am constantly upgrading as I get a better eye, see what my bucks are producing, and what is winning.
I currently can't show, as I am in nursing school, and the hospital tends to own me most weekends. However, now that we are on break, I am hoping to make it to a few shows this season now that I have some decent animals!
I got into goats as I also used to teach hunter/jumper riding lessons, and had a very busy barn. During summer camp, I wanted an extra few fun animals, and just fell in love with the little goats!
From there it went to wanting "nice" goats, and then to breeding "good" goats, to now wanting the best I can get my hands on goats! I also love the fun color the little niggies have. Being stuck to bay, grey and chestnut in the horse world to show Hunters means I Really wanted fun color when I stopped.
So that's my little goat life in a nut shell.
I currently have a few decent does, and one buck I am really happy with. The rest I am either proving out, or waiting to see what those udders look like. I am here to learn as much as I can,( as there is so much I don't know) as well as get information on eventual milking, soap making etc. We (my boyfriend and I) are heavily involved in a historical recreation society, and I'd love to eventually use my goats milk to do a project!
We also breed proven World and Natl' quality miniature horses, and I have two big horses as well. My one mare is my 23 year old heart horse, and the other is my lovely imported Friesian mare that my SO bought for me ( I was good that year I suppose!). The only other critters here is my wonderful old dog, and my sugar gliders, which are a whole nother topic in general!
So hello to everyone! I look forward to how being a member here will improve my eye, my herd, and my knowledge. (And a few pictures, as everyone knows, those are really what you ever click on these threads for!) All my goats can be found on my website- www.wijimgoats.com
Here's a pic of my new buck "Bruce Wayne"- I love how elegant he is-
One of my junior does Burbon Bell, also pictured as my avatar-
One of my minis- This was my first truly homebred filly- aka I had hand selected her dam's parents to get her dam, and hunted forever and waited to get her sire. Her name is Jolie :) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/MarvelFarms/Luna%20and%20Toppers%2010%20Filly/450.jpg[/img]
Also for fun, this year's first baby- a little silver bay dun filly by my stallion being adorable![IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/MarvelFarms/Stormy%20Topper%20Filly%204%2018%2011/StormyFilly03.png[/img]My boyfriend and myself riding our two big horses- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/MarvelFarms/Tirza/IMG_4794.jpg[/img]
And one of my favorite sugar glider girls Penlope for fun! :)[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/MarvelFarms/Glider%20photoshoot%209%2024%2009/073.jpg[/img]