No Milk

I just came in from milking my" 2 quart a day"milker. She gave the usual this morning. This afternoon she looked full. Tonight it looked like someone milked her before I got there! I got a scant cup out of her.  Her two doelings looked overly full tonight so I wondering if they gorged themselves on her milk late in the afternoon.  I have been keeping mom and two doelings together all along and still had milk. I also noticed she was right next to her buckling just before milking , he on one side of the fence and she on the other laying down. maybe he's the culprit. 

I have separated mom from the babies tonight to see the results in the morning. 

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  • Wow, Jan!  What are the genetics behind your does?  That is excellent production!
  • Tammy, I start milking two weeks after they kid by separating at night. 

    I am still getting two quarts a day from her and she has two of the three in with her.

  • Thanks for answering my question about the average.  I was about to ask that.  My doe freshened in the end of Feb with twin bucklings.  I started milking her in June when we weaned and after 1 month of milking, she is giving me almost a quart a day. I go by ounces, so she is giving about 14 to 16 ounce per milking, a little under a quart a day.. She is finally learning not to kick.  I love the taste of the milk!  It is so creamy and sweet! Not at all like the Alpine milk I used to have.

    Go Nigerians!


    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
    You've got some great genetics there with both of those does. I had a first freshener kid three weeks early one time, and we couldn't even get enough milk to cover the bottom of the bucket, so I'm impressed with your FF too! The "average" that is always published about NDs is that they give about a quart a day, but that is over the course of the lactation. So be aware that your doe's supply will gradually decrease over the months. If three kids got pudgy, and you starting separating overnight at two weeks, she was probably giving closer to six pounds a day (3 quarts) at her peak. From studying lots of milk records, it appears that the difference between the 600 pound milkers and the 1,000 pound milkers is how gradually the decline happens.
  • Wow, I want in on those milking lines!  lol!
  • You've got some great genetics there with both of those does. I had a first freshener kid three weeks early one time, and we couldn't even get enough milk to cover the bottom of the bucket, so I'm impressed with your FF too! The "average" that is always published about NDs is that they give about a quart a day, but that is over the course of the lactation. So be aware that your doe's supply will gradually decrease over the months. If three kids got pudgy, and you starting separating overnight at two weeks, she was probably giving closer to six pounds a day (3 quarts) at her peak. From studying lots of milk records, it appears that the difference between the 600 pound milkers and the 1,000 pound milkers is how gradually the decline happens.
  • Thank you Debra. I am so please with this doe. She kidded March 16th and I started milking her two weeks later with three still nursing and separated at night. I was getting a quart plus a bit more. I moved the wether to the buck pen at two months because he was so pudgy and was lifting her off the ground to nurse. The two doelings are still with her and I don't generally separate at night any more. She has been a steady two quart a day milker. Last night it was quite a surprise to see her empty. This morning however she gave her usual quart. And I did separate last night!

    My other doe is a FF and kidded in late Feb.  She is only giving 3/4 to a quart daily and has bee rebred for October as she delivered her kids three weeks early and they were stillborn.


    I guess I thought 2 quarts a day was the norm for a ND milker.

  • I'm amazed that you've been getting two quarts a day from a goat that has kids with her! That's really impressive. The only goat I've ever had like that was a la mancha. No doubt the kids were just a little hungrier than usual this afternoon. When did she freshen?
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