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I have a doe in her second kidding. She is due or past due.  How do I know she is ok? She has had some drainage. She is huge, had triplets last time.  Our temps are 107 in the daytime. We change her water 3 times a day and have shaded her shelter. Is

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Views: 89

My Nigerian Buck...

I have raised only Pygmy goats (not reg) for the last 14 years and just recently got a Reg ND buck to get me some different colors on my babies. Oh and the colors I am getting! Not disappointed in that department.  I have just recently gotten interes

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Views: 76

giving COWP at kidding

I was reading the posting about pre-kidding checks etc. and saw mentioned giving COWP to the doe right at kidding.or right after.Anyway my question is why this practice is observed.Is it because the animal has gone through so much stress or for paras

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Views: 79

False Pregnancy in Goats

I had this posted on my blog, but Deborah suggested I move it over to the forum...


I was checking out this site because I have two "forever pregnant" girls and I had them tested to make sure they were pregnant and there weren't any problems.   I fo

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Views: 1238

Not New at This but Still...

I bought a goat and was given a goat  both who met with the escaped buck. The owner figured they were due September 10th. That means we are a month out. The last time I bought an alledged bred goat she was not! I am pretty such these two are because

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Views: 84

"Disciplining"a goat

What do you do when a goat jumps on you? Or, as the case was this evening, when a normally friendly goat head-butts you in the thigh because you turned to give someone else a treat *after* she had received hers? In the first case I acted as I would i

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Views: 294

Bucks...good grief!

One of my does is in heat and the Sr buck is obsessed with her. Of course, he has bred her multiple times. Will he leave her alone and settle down when she goes out of heat? If the "rut" is generally in the late fall...will he act like this until the

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Views: 205