My 6 month old weather seems to have always had a fascination for hammocks. Since I rotate my goats around the yard using cattle panel pens, I have to have a house that is a bit more... mobile than most. We had a wooden house to start with but after a while that got really annoying and so we went with hoop houses, which were very cute, and worked well until big mama Indaina decided she'd like to climb on it with her daughter, so we tried a few other things and ultimately settled on the biggest sturdiest tarps we could find ziptied to the pen in various configurations.
But the baby still likes to climb into what is the roof part of the house, right in the middle, and nap there. We have tried stringing the tarp up tighter, and even with polls but it never seems to last, because he is just tall enough on his hind legs to reach the edge of the roof and pull it down bit by bit. So I was wondering about making him a little hammock in the corner of another area of the pen... has anyone ever seen anything like this?
I am guessing that I could use a small tarp and attach metal rings to the tarp where it would hang, and attach it to the pen in a corner with some clasps similar to what is on the end of a dog leash, that would easily be removed when it's time for dragging the pen elsewhere.
Anyone have better ideas?