What size bag of minerals to order???

I just picked up my three does.  I hope to add at least one other doe (maybe two) and a buck very soon.  I cannot find minerals locally that does not contain the Aluminum Chloride.  I wanted to order the minerals from Hoeggers.  How much should I order?  How long does it keep.  Obviously the more I order, the less expensive per pound it becomes!  I just have no idea how long it will last.  8lbs, 25lbs or 100lbs????

Also, what size tattoo kit should I order?  There is so much to order and figure out!  It is some what overwhelming!


Thanks! Michele

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  • I got the whole set from Hoegger -- comes with a plastic box and everything you need, although we really prefer the paste to the roll-on liquid. It seems to last a lot longer than the liquid. We wear disposable gloves when we tattoo.
  • Get the smallest one that has the auto release. Unless it is something they've added, the .300 stone does not have it, so you'd probably want the 3/8".
  • Thanks!  That gives me a good place to start!


    For the tattoo kit .... I will get one with the auto-release!  What size?  3/8" ,   5/16", or 0.300 stone?  I am looking at Hoeggers.  I am not sure if there is a cheaper place.




  • Forgot you asked about tattoo kit -- I prefer the one with the auto-release. Otherwise, you have to literally peel the ear off the needles while a wiggly kid screams its lungs out. Not fun!
  • The amount of minerals consumed can vary from herd to herd based upon their nutrient requirements. If they haven't had minerals for awhile, they'll eat them like candy initially. I think I've heard that they can start to lose some of their potency after three or four months. I think a 25# bag lasts me about a month with a dozen milkers, so I'd probably start with the 8#  bag if I were in your place. Monitor how quickly they go through it, and if they slow down after the first week or so before deciding whether or not to get a bigger bag next time. I started with three does nine years ago, and I bought a 25# bucket, and I think it lasted something like six months.
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