I just picked up my three does. I hope to add at least one other doe (maybe two) and a buck very soon. I cannot find minerals locally that does not contain the Aluminum Chloride. I wanted to order the minerals from Hoeggers. How much should I order? How long does it keep. Obviously the more I order, the less expensive per pound it becomes! I just have no idea how long it will last. 8lbs, 25lbs or 100lbs????
Also, what size tattoo kit should I order? There is so much to order and figure out! It is some what overwhelming!
Thanks! Michele
Thanks! That gives me a good place to start!
For the tattoo kit .... I will get one with the auto-release! What size? 3/8" , 5/16", or 0.300 stone? I am looking at Hoeggers. I am not sure if there is a cheaper place.