Where my goats pin is it has a lot of loose dirt and rocks. I am trying to keep it as clean as possible, but its hard with the dirt and rocks. Any ideas of shovels or rakes for the tiny pebbles?
Also, what is best for where they sleep? Straw or shavings? And how do you keep that clean?
Thank you.
By the way I LOVE my babies and I am so excited for this site!
Thanks for the response. My pen is about 500 sq ft., yes, its all dirt, with loose dirt on top and rocks rittled everywhere. The lady I got my babies from had an emaculant pen, but she had no more loose dirt, so she would just sweep t up. I can easily sweep the shed/barn they live in daily, but having problems with the rest of it. They graze my acre almost daily and I am not worried about every little pile unless they get it on our patio or walkway. I guess I am just using the lady we got them from as an example. I think I am going to get a good rake and turn the dirt and try to break it down and not worry to much about it.
Thank you!
I prefer straw for the goats' shelter because it is warmer, which is important in Illinois especially during the winter. I learned this after sitting out there a lot. We used shavings for the first couple years, and then switched to straw, and it is much warmer! If you're going to have kids, I also prefer straw because shavings can get into newborn noses and mouths, and it can be scary.
I'm not sure what to say about your pen. Is the entire pen dirt and rocks? How large is it? How many goats do you have? Most people don't worry about cleaning the pen because the poop just disintegrates and turns into soil eventually. So, either your pen needs to be large enough that the goats aren't laying in poop, or you need a movable pen.