All Discussions (4290)
Can Goats Eat Christmas Trees?
I did some research and found that a lot of people give their Christmas trees to their goats, yet also found that while there aren't any immediate, noticeable results, it can cause abortions months later. What should I do?
Read more…Worms in Chickens
I went out to collect eggs today and much to my surprise, some poop that was laying in one of the nesting boxes had a huge worm in it. I did some research on the internet and some things suggested for treatment was garlic powder added to their water
Read more…Goat Wrestling for Beginners
Well I did it...I trimmed the goats hooves...Just like the Youtube video showed me...
WELL maybe not quite JUST like the video...
First I don't have a milk stand
Second my goats did not stand still.
Instead I teathered them to the fence with a dog lead
how much boSe for weak kid?
My goat birthed two beautiful babies, one is doing fine but the other cannot move. She was born only 3 hours ago. We have given her nutri-drench and 1/4 cc boSe, she looks like she is dying, what should I do next?
Read more…Feeding Bucks
Hello everyone! I'm 6 mos and 5 goats into my diary goat adventure! My little buckling "Windy Pond's Gandolf The Grey" (big handle for such a small guy), I just call him Gandolf is now 6 mos old. I am reading myself into overload, what the heck is sa
Read more…Grooming the Recalcitrant Doe
My doe, Spot, loves people and loves to be petted and talked to--however, she does not have a lot of patience with time-consuming things like being brushed (or milked, but that's another story...) She has seriously flaky dry skin right now, and I tr
Read more…How soon after you see sticky mucus will she give birth ?
Today I noticed some sticky, thick mucus being excreted from one of my pregnant does. She seemed fine, standing around, very hungry for tree branch leaves.
Isn't this similar to when pregnant human mothers' mucus plug slowly thins and falls out/is
Read more…Hooray!!!!
I have a doe who I bought a while back to keep my whether company, who I bought for $100 from a guy who told me (not in very good English either!) that she wasn't a particularly good quality doe, and since she was in a small dirty barn, covered in m
Read more…Homesteading in Northeastern MN
Hey all,
I never really introduced myself yet, so decided to take some time to do so. My husband and four children and I are homesteading (and homeschooling) on 1.5 acres in northeastern MN. We have vegetable and herb gardens, chickens, rabbits and
Read more…Help! Doeling may have been bred!
Ok I am apparently a stupid, horrible goat mom. I *knew* the buck was in rut but I thought he would focus on the adult Nigies and leave the two Lamancha doelings alone. Plus I thought the LMs were more seasonal breeders and I didn't expect them to co
Read more…Christmas Goat Video and Pictures
Below is a link to my blog. I got a funny video of my goats while doing pictures with santa hats and antlers :-)
Read more…Dry doe starts milking again?
Hello everyone. My wife and I are brand new goat owners having purchased three Nigerian Dwarfs does two weeks ago from a homesteader in Vermont. Two of the does are older and freshened in June, the third is one of the kids born at that time. The prev
Read more…Farmette in Sunny Arizona
My family and I have an "Urban Farmette" in our back yard South of Phoenix, home to four of us, two dogs, two rabbits, six hens, and of course our two Nigerian Dwarf Does, Spot and Audra Belle.
Spot is five years old, an experienced mom who came to u
Read more…cajeta,yum!
Made a batch of cajeta last night.2 qts milks,2 cups sugar and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.Cooked it for ever(had to turn it off for a little bit when I went out to milk).It came out yummy.We are just eating it by the spoonful.Really good is a little sp
Read more…Hoof Trimming and Lice
I was looking around about Hoof Trimming and keep coming up with stuff about Proper Trimming for Show Goats...Since I do not intend to show my goats how often do I need to trim my goats hooves?...They are in soft pasture all the time and have no acce
Read more…A goat with a business plan?
It's pretty sweet when I can bring goats into my business homework. I couldn't think of what I could do for this assignment, so I said to David, " IF I were going to start a business, what would i do." He said, " I don't know, something with goats I
Read more…My doe is NOT drying off
My 3-yr-old doe refuses to stop producing milk. I took her off sweet feed and alfalfa over a month ago and she's just getting coastal hay and plain grain. She was at the breeders for a week in November and in with the buck for 3 days so I'm really ho
Read more…Count Down to Goat Births !
I've officially started to double their feed during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy.
I'm expecting 4 does to have babies very soon !
The first 2 are a mystery, but the time range is narrowed down to Dec. 23 to Dec. 29.
The other 2 are expected to give
Read more…doe and bucks in NY
I still have my babies for sale but I am also looking for a buck that is not related to my herd to breed to. Also have an American Alpine buck that needs a girlfriend. Willing to work with you call 607-522-7981
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