Homesteading in Northeastern MN

Hey all,

I never really introduced myself yet, so decided to take some time to do so.  My husband and four children and I are homesteading (and homeschooling) on 1.5 acres in northeastern MN.  We have vegetable and herb gardens, chickens, rabbits and Nigerian dwarf goats.  We just started with the goats this past spring, and I'm in love. :)  My three girls are at the breeders right now, and I'm counting down the days until they are home safe and sound.  I'm hoping to get two unrelated bucklings out of these breedings to keep for future breedings here on North Forest Farm, and am especially excited about one of the breedings.  I can't wait to see what kind of kids I get out of my Shere Country SH Starlight and Gerle Ranch Trevor.

This past year we grew and stored many of our own vegetables for the winter, raised chickens and rabbits for meat and eggs, and milked one of our does (Cupcake) for a couple of months before she dried off.  The milk was wonderful, and I can't wait until June when we will hopefully be getting milk again.

This forum has been so much fun and has provided me with such wonderful information as I get started with these lovely little goats.  A big thank you to everyone who contributes to this site!

Happy goat adventures to all,


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  • Welcome! Sounds like you're doing all sorts of wonderful things on your homestead.

  • Welcome to the group!!

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