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Little Goats

Just thought I would share that my brother and his family, who live in Africa, was inspired by my little goats.  They were just here visiting for 6 weeks and saw our goats.  They said they have goats running around all over the place where they live,

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Views: 66

We are goat people

A friend of mine posted this last night on Facebook - and I just had to share. :)



We are goat people. You don't have to understand us! We have no problem eating a sandwich after cleaning the barn or petting a goat. Most days our

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Views: 136

New Goat Owners

My husband and I brought home our first 2 ND 5 weeks ago and are loving every minute of it.

We have a wether Lil Boy Boots, whom was a bottle baby and the perfect playmate for our 3yr old daughter...We were blessed to have the oportunity to bond with

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9 Replies
Views: 174

Goat dry skin?

I have a little 3 mo old doe that has what appears to be dandruff, she is black and it is easy to see the flakes in her coat.  She has access to loose minerals and has access to weedy alfalfa with 1/2 cup oats in the morning and evening, their beddin

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4 Replies
Views: 559

Cleaning the barn

Cleaned out the barn today, boy am I pooped. So question ,what do people do with all the shavings or straw that comes out of the barns ?? I do a deep cleaning a few times a year and a small cleaning once a month. The area were I've been putting my sh

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11 Replies
Views: 542



We have a doe that is almost seven years old and kidded 4 weeks ago.  One of her udders produced a little milk and is now not producing milk.  There is no swelling or salty milk.  Is this common in an older doe? 

Thanks, Tammy

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8 Replies
Views: 136