Hi guys...as some of you know my doe was nursing a single kid for nearly a year and was nursed on only one side. the first time I milked her I was able to empty out her "off" side of some rather watery looking milk, only a very small amount, and it
Just thought I would share that my brother and his family, who live in Africa, was inspired by my little goats. They were just here visiting for 6 weeks and saw our goats. They said they have goats running around all over the place where they live,
I made this video as I was teaching our son (age 6) to train the baby goats. It's a lot of work to get kids to help with the training instead of hindering it, and I thought it may have some useful stuff for others here as well as just plain being cut
A hardware store near me sells welded wire fencing, one 5 ft high and the other 6 ft. high, both with 2x4 inch spaces. Would either of these be good fences for goats?
I currently only have 2 goats, a 5month old wether and a 7month old doe/ling (at what age will she go from doeling to doe??)...Obviously it is not good for the wether to get too much grain and since he is a little piggy when it comes to food he tends
This is my first winter taking care of 2 doelings and a wether, and once again I have a diet question. I purchased some 3rd crop small bales of hay from a farmer and was told it was a grass/alfalfa blend. Now from what I'm reading alfalfa
Oh boy. So I came home from the store today to find my oldest daughter running around yelling at the goats in the next door pasture. Then I realized that my young 5 month old Phoebe had somehow gotten out (and left her pal Travis behind) and gotten i
I am just a small home dairy(2 does) ,I do not have a herd name or webpage.My 1st ever goats freshened in Sept. The kids are now 7 and 8 weeks old and getting ready to go to new homes.They come from dairy lines and can be AGS registered.Contact me fo
My husband and I brought home our first 2 ND 5 weeks ago and are loving every minute of it.
We have a wether Lil Boy Boots, whom was a bottle baby and the perfect playmate for our 3yr old daughter...We were blessed to have the oportunity to bond with
Okay, I am happy :-) We have been short on milk as I waited for does to freshen and reach the point I could milk, and this morning was the 2 week mark and slightly less for my just freshened girls :-) I am loving it! So, I put some pictures up on Fa
I have 2 FF that are nursing their kids.The kids are 7 and 8 weeks old and most definitely eating regular food.lots of it.It has been a little over 3 weeks now that I close the kids in overnight and milk in the morning.One questions is : does anybody
when applying dolomite to sweeten the barn floor do you just heavily shake it on or is it a light dusting? does anyone here use it? how do you apply it?
I have a little 3 mo old doe that has what appears to be dandruff, she is black and it is easy to see the flakes in her coat. She has access to loose minerals and has access to weedy alfalfa with 1/2 cup oats in the morning and evening, their beddin
Cleaned out the barn today, boy am I pooped. So question ,what do people do with all the shavings or straw that comes out of the barns ?? I do a deep cleaning a few times a year and a small cleaning once a month. The area were I've been putting my sh
I read that I red raspberry leaves help with healthy pregnancies so I started giving my does a pot of red raspberry tea in their water bucket but stopped after I read that red raspberry leaves are high in selenium and although my area is basically se
We have a doe that is almost seven years old and kidded 4 weeks ago. One of her udders produced a little milk and is now not producing milk. There is no swelling or salty milk. Is this common in an older doe?