Well I did it...I trimmed the goats hooves...Just like the Youtube video showed me...
WELL maybe not quite JUST like the video...
First I don't have a milk stand
Second my goats did not stand still.
Instead I teathered them to the fence with a dog lead and executed various wrestling moves on them as gently as I could until I could both pin them and access each hoof to trim and file it....
Took about 45minutes to do two little goats...They are surprisingly strong (and good wrestlers) for such small goats...I am exhausted and my legs are still wobbling from the experience...BUT they have nice trimmed hooves...well maybe not quite as close a trim as other more experienced ppl might give them...but they are a big improvement on what they were....I will prob try a little touch up in a week or two and maybe they will get used to the idea over time and be more co-operative.
Thank you for listening.
Hey Melissa,
That is so funny your goat getting up on the stanchion herself...Next time round I am going to have hubby hold them on his lap, they are so little this will be the easiest way I am sure...So much to do and learn for these little ones...not sure what I was thinking taking it on with a ornery 3yr old under foot. lol.
As for the video it was prob the same one you saw on the boer site...because it was a video of a larger goat and I found the link on here in the achives.
Blessings Kelsie
Kelsie - funny I have been thinking about you and your hoof trimming today! That is awesome that you tackled the job and was successful! I just wanted to add that.
When I started doing mine - I also used the wrestle on the ground approach. One time we wrestled on the ground and she didnt give up nor did I - then she jumped back on the stanchion like that was a better choice! LOL
where's this youtube video? I looked at a boer site and this guy is wonderful! He even emailed me back with some instruction! What a great guy.
congrats! I have had my goats 3 years and it is something I still struggle with. Not as easy as it seems to get a nice flat hoof. Course, I had stagmitism in both eyes so unfortunately I dont see things perfectly straight - LOL - so that doesnt help!
build yourself a stanchion - there is a pvc one online I have wondered about - I built mine out of 2x4 and the thing weighs a ton! I cant really move it around without help. And the legs were a real challenge. BUT, it gets the job done and you need one to milk anyway. ^^
One thing that makes me feel better - is for all the fighting they do - for those of us whose goats dont go for the held routine -(
as soon as you let them go - it's like nothing ever happened. lol
I keep flip flopping on putting cinder blocks in with mine because of my 3yr old daughter who is a clutz...maybe as she gets older it will become an option for us...Thank you for the suggestion.
Brandon Gracey said:
I had placed some cinder blockes in my goats pen for them to trim there own hooves once in a while. Mine play on it every second they get. You still need to trim them of course when needed, the need is less often this way. I buried mine in the ground two inches so they don't tip it over and get hurt.
Just thought I would give a helpful tip! :) Good luck
When we're trimming young kids' hooves I'll often have someone else hold them up in the air (goat back against the person's chest) so I can easily get to their feet. Similarly, having your husband hold the goat up while you get their hooves done should make it go a little faster, although depending how heavy they are you might not have much time! ;)
Hmmm maybe I should try it that, with them sitting on Hubby's lap so I can trim...I do know that at ground level by myself was just not the best way.
Upon rereading your comment I realized you mean during their normal play and cuddle time I should handle the feet...Will try doing this...Thnx