"Scrap" Soap
When making soap, I've seen many people cut off the ends with the rounded corners to make the bars uniform. What can you do with the scrap soap?
Read more…When making soap, I've seen many people cut off the ends with the rounded corners to make the bars uniform. What can you do with the scrap soap?
Read more…http://udderlyez.com/ultimate_ez_milker.php
I just saw an ad for the new Ultimate EZ milker in the Dairy Goat Journal. It looks very promising as far as price, ease of use and being easy to clean.
My concerns are if they will fit on teats that are ve
Read more…I am looking at getting some type of milking system. Does anyone have any recommendations? Do the milking systems damage the teats?
Read more…I read somewhere that you should milk a first freshener for at least 10 months to "set the tissues" or something like that, that it would help them achieve longer subsequent lactations more easily. Is that accurate? Or does it matter?
One breeder I t
Read more…I have a wonderful recipe for chocolate almond ice cream. However I wonder if there is some way to thicken it so it wouldn't melt as fast when I serve it (still tastes real good melted!). It turns to chocolate milk very quickly.
The recipe:
3 cups wh
Read more…I made a batch of queso blanco for a dinner party that had to be postponed. Should I just use it up, or can I freeze it for later use?
Read more…Because of Capri's pneumonia (and antibiotic), I started drying her off just before this last cold snap. When the temps dropped so deeply, I stopped separating baby at night from mom so Summer had little milk for me. I milked her the first two or t
Read more…I am training a couple of other people to milk now so they will be able to help me in the spring. The only goat currently in milk is my 10 year old doe in her 8th month of lactation who I am milking once a day and she was giving 2 cups. She has nice
Read more…I know salty milk typically means mastitis, but I haven't seen a single sign of mastitis in either doe I'm milking. One kidded on Sept. 1 (4th freshening) and the other kidded on Sept 11 (1st freshening). The kids haven't let the dams' udders get ful
Read more…My little girl, Nickel, decided to become a dairy goat on her own about two years ago. When the weather gets cold, neither of us like spending time in a cold milking room with cold hands and warm teats. It is that time again; I haven't milked her i
Read more…Hello
I have a doe who delivered triplets on Nov 1st. It was a difficult delivery that we had to assist with. I gave her pennicillyn for about 5 days.
She just seems off to me, the kids have to chase her alot to nurse (although they are very active,
Read more…Hi guys...I am considering buying a machine to milk this year because I am going to have a lot of does going at once. I have a slew of questions so if you can answer any of them...much appreciated
-are inflations ever interchangeable between does?
Read more…I am milking 2 Nigerian Dwarf goats. One kidded in March, and the other in May. Together, I am getting about 1 and 1/2 pint a day total with twice a day milking.
As soon as the milk cools, it gets a layer, very thin, with the consistency of puddin
Read more…Deborah, I don't know if anyone on this forum is on milk test but you so this might just be a question for you.
What is involved in going on milk test? How do you do it and dam raise at the same time? I am interested in doing this at some point w
Read more…Okay so I've done tons of research and seem to find as many good things as I do bad things about this subject.
I have a 6 month old son who I have had on commercial formula because I am unable to breast feed. I can't stand the fact that I found out 4
Read more…So I've been tossing around the idea of creating a sort of Herd Share/CSA combination for my farm. Maybe even trying to create a Co Op where a few of us sign up, and share the fruits of our harvests... maybe one of us commit to growing beans, one tom
Read more…So my first freshener that rejected one of her kids, and kept the other one is giving me fits about milking.
It all started when the kid she liked enough to keep nursing got sold and went to her new home. She was over three months old when she left.
Read more…Hi all, So Piper is my first milk goat. Her does are 9 days old and yesterday I separated them at nite for the first time so I could milk her first in the morning. So now day two of doing this I am only getting 2/3 cup of milk. Is this normal? I add
Read more…Hey guys. I have an open air barn and the walls are fence rails with gaps of a couple of inches in between (how they do stuff down here in the tropics)
My barn is an old horse barn with about 10 stalls and I have always used one stall as a milk ro
Read more…New guy to milking here. I acquired a doe who kidded 14 days ago. The kids were seperated from her 2 days prior to me getting her. When I got her home she was very full but I did not try to milk her until the next day in an attempt to let her calm
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