Home Dairy (351)

Speed Eater?

Hey All, I feel like I've been blowing up the forum with posts the past few days... Thanks for all the help as I start this new endeavor! My latest question... Any good tips on slowing a doe down while she eats her grain on the stand? I have a doe

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7 Replies
Views: 75

Low cheese yeild?

We have jsut recently started making 30 min mozzerella from our NDG's milk. We are making it based on Ricki Carols recipie which is simmiler to the one in raising goats naturally. Our yeild is only 1/2lb for 1 gallon of milk. I used the whey afterwar

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5 Replies
Views: 104

yay - first squirt

I know milking is old hat to many of you but for the last 7 years - I've been deficient in these skills. Couldn't get milk from my sheep and not from my friends goats who were steady edy milkers.

But this morning - it happened.  I've been working on

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Views: 94
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