Home Dairy (351)

buying teat cups

Where can I buy 30cc teat cups from for the milking machine I am putting together?  Our local Farmers Co-op has syringes but the end is short and small and won't work with the tubing.  So I guess I need a syringe with a long tapered end to connect to

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Views: 980


Kefir question: When I was done milking my goats last Fall I decided to try to keep my kefir grains alive in the fridge using pastuerized milk from the store because I didn't have any more goat milk. I have had them in the same jar for the past 5 mon

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4 Replies
Views: 128

Milking question

Hello, I have a question about milk production. I have 4 FF that were not milked while we were away. They are way down on their milk now. They weren't milked for 36 hrs and are 2.5 months fresh. Can I get their production back up by milking them or s

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Views: 109

Straining milk

Okay, folks, I was just called rude when I commented on how someone is straining milk.  She posted a photo of using a coffee filter and a bag for straining almond milk.  I pointed out that coffee filters and milk filters are not the same thing.  Of c

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Views: 213

Wax like clumps in milk

I have a milking question. One of my does had one clump of a wax looking substance in her milk. She did not have a fever, looked great, udder felt fine, no ther symptoms. Vet said it could be normal but dump the milk. Next day 3 clumps of wax, but sa

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Views: 338

Yogurt Help

I've tried -- and failed -- to make yogurt twice. The first time I used a raw, active yogurt, heated milk to 110 degrees, and incubated in a warm oven. That time the flavor was pretty normal, a little bland, but the texture was weird. Being a texture

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14 Replies
Views: 215

Henry Milker

I've seen the Henry Milker mentioned several times on various threads.  I checked out their website and looked at the UTube video, and we are thinking this might be just what we need with one of our girls who is difficult on the milk stand.  But I ha

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10 Replies
Views: 584

sore on teat

2655740173?profile=originalAnyone know whats up with my FF's teat?  They have sores on the inside only on both teats.  They don't seem to be oozing or hurting, as she lets me milk and the kid feed.  Should I be worried?  Sorry its not the best photo, its attempt no 20 or so -

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3 Replies
Views: 230
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