Home Dairy (352)

Milk taste

In November I purchased a new doe as I decided I want to improve my herd.  She is 4 years old, and has freshened twice before coming to me.  She was already bred when I bought her.  She comes from wonderful lines, and milk scores on both Dam and Sire

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Views: 291

Sweetlix Mineral

I have been giving Sweetlix Meat Maker to our does for about five years now. Shame on me, but I just recently discovered a Sweetlix mineral designed specifically for dairy goats. In doing a little research, some still prefer the Meat Maker even for t

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3 Replies
Views: 1037

What happened?!!


I'm having trouble milking a goat and would appreciate some advice. She delivered a still born 3 weeks ago. On this website I learnt that the milk for 2 weeks is colostrum, so since I have no freezer, we just milked her and didn't catch it. We mi

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Views: 147

Kitchen Inspiration

Hello all!

I'm looking for some ideas and inspiration on things to do with goats' milk.  This is my first summer with a milker and aside from making my coffee delicious, I haven't done a whole lot with it.  I'd love to try some cheeses, but with jus

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Views: 166

Overachieving left side

Hey all- in the past few weeks, my doe's left side of her udder has started producing almost three times the amount of her right side.  Overall, milk production has gone up slightly so it seems that as the right side has become slightly less producti

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Views: 188

Cajeta = Heavenly!

Oh my goodness, I made a batch of cajeta (goat milk caramel sauce) today and it is amazing! It's so complex, creamy and not overly sweet. It certainly wasn't hard to do and it only needs a few ingredients. Though it did take a couple of hours and nee

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3 Replies
Views: 100

Goats got into feed!

Went out to the barn to milk this evening and discovered many of them had gotten into the feed room!  Not sure how they got in (probably let in by our clever and sneaky wether) nor how long they were there, but 8 goats can do significant damage in 3

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Views: 94

Milking once a day..

HI everyone,

Needing some advice with a First Freshner.

I have sisters who kidded first time this year, both gave me twins which was lovely. 

One doeling has taken really well to milking her sister is a whole other story.  I have managed to milk her

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4 Replies
Views: 231
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