Low cheese yeild?

We have jsut recently started making 30 min mozzerella from our NDG's milk. We are making it based on Ricki Carols recipie which is simmiler to the one in raising goats naturally. Our yeild is only 1/2lb for 1 gallon of milk. I used the whey afterwards to make a whey ricotta and that gives another 1/2lb-3/4s once drained which makes me think something is not setting right with the mozzerella? when I microwave the first time it drains milky white whey. More rennet? 

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  • Yes, it is about 1 pound this time of year. Once we get into fall and winter, it is even more.
  • deborah what's you average yield from a gallon of NDG milk? I was thinking it should be more like 1lb possibly a little over depending on butterfat, does that sound right?

  • it is 100%, but I think you may be onto something. my wife has done the measuring but I will check with her next time. Thanks!

  • Is the citric acid 100% citric acid?
  • When that has happened to me in the past -- or to someone else making cheese here -- it was because 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid was accidentally used instead of 1/2 tablespoon. Not all spoon sets have a 1/2 tablespoon, which is probably why it is an easy mistake to make. Double-check the spoons you are using. In any case, it sounds like not enough citric acid, so if you did use the correct amount, perhaps there is a problem with the citric acid?
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