Goat recently kidded with triplets seems off


I have a doe who delivered triplets on Nov 1st. It was a difficult delivery that we had to assist with. I gave her pennicillyn for about 5 days.

She just seems off to me, the kids have to chase her alot to nurse (although they are very active, so I think they are getting enough) and her poop is clumpy.

Is there anything else I could be doing for her?

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  • Ditto on what everyone else said. She may just be running from the kids because she is not that thrilled with motherhood. If she is a first freshener, you need to keep a really close eye on the kids because it's unlikely that she'll make enough milk for them to really thrive.

  • Thanks guys - I will give these things a try.

    Yes she is drinking a lot of water I keep two buckets out there.
  • To ensure she is getting ample water, you might try warm water with a little molasses in it.  She has been through a lot and this might be of help to her.  Both of my girls drank a lot of it the first few days after delivery.

  • Clumpy stools after birthing is pretty normal, although this far after delivery she should be firming up. Here's what I would do.

    Check her eyelids (inside) for color. They should be a bright pink color. Pale eyelids indicates a worm load. (delivery can make a worm load lose balance, and become an issue) If her lids are pale, I would dose with a wormer. 

    I would also give her some probiotics to help her rumen regain it's balance.

    Another thing I would try to give her a leg up: Cut back on grains, and make sure she has plenty of hay. High protein foods are good for nursing does, but too much too soon can throw of her digestion.

    Those are the things I would try right up front. Hopefully they will help you.

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