Re-energizing milk production

New guy to milking here.  I acquired a doe who kidded 14 days ago. The kids were seperated from her 2 days prior to me getting her.  When I got her home she was very full but I did not try to milk her until the next day in an attempt to let her calm down from the move. I gently led her to the stand and she was for the most part OK with everything and I milked her basically dry. This morning I brought her back to the stand and she had a cup or two to offer and was ok with the proccess.  This evening I was only able to get about a cup.


Was the 3 days too long to wait before milking?

Should I continue milking twice a day or what do I do to re-energize the milk production?

I have always been the " In for a penny, in for a pound" kind of person. That said; What do  need to do?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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  • Considering her history of not being milked for three days, I would be concerned about mastitis. If you can get a CMT, it would be a good idea to check her. If she does have a minor case of mastitis, the answer would be to milk, milk, milk and treat if it doesn't clear up within a few days. If you were to stop milking her without treating, she would still have it and it would flare up when she freshens again.

  • Thanks.  I milked again just a few minutes ago. Her left side was basically empty and right side had about 1/2 cup.  Another question:  The milk from the left side is nice and white while the milk from the left has a yellow tint to it.  Is that a sign of a problem?

  • Missing a single milking early in lactation will negatively affect production. If you can milk her 3-4 times a day, that would be your best bet. It is all about supply and demand.
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